Here you can find a list of my publications, some of them in open access. If you are interested in any of the papers, but do not have access, do not hesitate to contact me, and I will be happy to send it to you. 


2024. "Atribución e inclusión en el sistema representativo: dos comentarios a El sistema representativo de Felipe Rey." Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía Política 12(14): 264-287.

2024. Co-written with Iñigo González-Ricoy. "The Demos of the democratic firm." Politics, Philosophy & Economics. Online first. 

2023. Co-written with Rubén Marciel. "(Not So) Happy Cows: An Autonomy-Based Argument for Regulating Animal Industry Misleading Commercial Speech." Journal of Applied Philosophy. Online first, open access.

2023. "Animals in the order of public reason." Philosophical Studies 180: 3031-3056. 

2023. Co-written with Eze Paez. "A democratic argument for animal uplifting." Inquiry. Online first. 

2023. "The boundary problem in democratic theory: a methodological approach." Res Publica. Online first, open acess.

2023. "Representing posterity: two challenges." Futures 149: 1-10. Open acess. 

2022.  "The Political Representation of Nonhuman Animals." Social Theory and Practice 48(4): 665-690.

2022. "Nonhuman animals and the all affected interests principle." Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. Online first. 

2022. "¿Caben los animales en la filosofía política de John Rawls?" Isonomía 56: 1-28. Open access.


Book Chapters

2023. Co-written with Eze Paez. "Harming Animals, Degrading the Public Sphere: The Ethics of Persuasion in the Animal-Based Food Industry." In Almirón, Núra (ed.). Public Relations and the Animal-Industrial Complex. Lobbying Against Compassion and the Ethics of Persuasion. London: Routledge, pp. 53-65.

Book Reviews

2023. Co-written with Victoria Kristan. "Reseña de El sistema representativo, de Felipe Rey Salamanca." IberICONnect.

2018. "¿Hemos sido los demócratas excesivamente idealistas? Reseña del libro Democracy for Realists, de Christopher Achen y Larry Bartels." Isegoría 58: 300-304.