Here is an overview of some of some public outreach activities in which I have been engaged in recent years.


Between 2018 and 2022, I was a board member of, and regular contributor to, Epojé (formerly Revista Libertalia), an online nonprofit magazine focused on philosophy, the humanities and the social sciences. Unfortunately, the website no longer works, but you can still check our Youtube channel (videos in English, Spanish and Catalan).

UPF-Center for Animal Ethics

The UPF-Center for Animal Ethics publishes reports and manifestos, organizes public outreach talks, and provides other kinds of audiovisual and written resources. They can be consulted here.


2021. Talk on the morality of secession. "Filosofia de la secessió, una aproximació dialògica" (w/ Gonzalo Fernández and Adrià Reyes). Barcelona Pensa, Barcelona (November 16). You can watch the talk here (in Catalan). 

2020. Talk on animal ethics. "¿Tenemos obligaciones hacia los animales? Una introducción a la ética animal." Instituto Prometeo, Villahermosa, México (May 19, online). 

2020. Talk on distributive justice. "Justicia distributiva: John Rawls vs. Robert Nozick." 10 Disputes Filosofiques (10 Philosophical Disputes - XVII Annual Seminar of the Analytic Philosophy Section of the Catalan Society of Philosophy, Barcelona (March 11). 


2020. Co-written with José Luis Martí, José Juan Moreso, and Eze Paez. "Acabemos con la ganadería y la acuicultura industriales." Agenda Pública (September 23).

2020. As translator. "El especismo y la matanza de los peces." El Caballo de Niestzsche, (March 5).