Contact Us

We are located at:

Instituto Cajal

Avda. Doctor Arce, 37 (Room C-11)

Madrid, Madrid, 28002, Spain

e-mail: pjercog[at]


1 Post-doc and 2 Ph.D. open positions in our lab starting (01/01/2024). If you are interested please contact us via e-mail: 

BIG NEWS!!! Our novel result about how noise correlations limits spatial accuracy in hippocampal code has been published in Nature Communications

New Position (17/04/2019): Call for advance technician position to study the synaptopathy of different animal models of auto-immune encephalitides.


We are seeking to hire an advance level technician to study the behavior and neuronal activity of mice during spatial navigation task to test memory and amnesia. The contract will be for one year, with the possibility of applying for fellowships to start a PhD in our team. 

The project founded by Cellex Foundation under the umbrella of the Experimental Neuroimmunology Program led by Dr. Josep Dalmau, aims to determine how auto-antibodies from patients with a synaptopathy (for example: anti-NMDAR encephalitis), alter memory and behavior in validated mouse models of the pathologies. These investigations are conducted in parallel with similar investigations in patients with these diseases.

The applicant will be specifically involved in examining how memories are altered and restored in a mouse model during immune-ablation of different receptors by the use of human antibodies, in order to understand the basis of memory encoding and its malfunctions, at the neural network level.

The candidate will be exposed to multiple techniques including, complex behavioral tasks, electrophysiological and calcium imaging recordings in freely behaving mice. 

Candidates may hold a master in neuroscience or similar discipline. Certificate in animal experimentation is a plus. 

Applications should be send following the instructions of this link:

PhD position to study neural representations of spatial memory in freely moving mice. 


Project Title: Neuronal representations of spatial memories: immune ablation of synaptic mechanisms of memory formation as an animal model of memory malfunction.

Keywords: spatial memory, neural activity, hippocampus and cortex interaction, NMDA receptors, calcium imaging, animal behavior, quantitative data analysis

Project description: This is a unique opportunity for a strongly motivated candidate interested in studying how information is stored long-term in the brain. 

The candidate will develop a set of read-outs to measure how memories are generated, retain and recalled utilizing calcium imaging data and animal behavioral readouts. The behavior is be combined with a cutting-edge freely moving calcium imaging technology (nVista minimicroscopes) to simultaneously monitor the activity of large number of individual neurons distributed over many days. Using our recently established reversible antibody-mediated disruption of NMDA receptor function in mice (Planagumà et al 2015) we will characterize at the behavioral and neural circuit levels, the mechanisms of memory formation and recall during normal and malfunctioning brains. The candidate will perform quantitative analyses of large data sets using methods from modern statistical analysis and machine learning.

The project will be developed within a collaboration between several investigators in IDIBAPS (Barcelona): Josep Dalmau, MD, PhD, Jaime de la Rocha PhD, Albert Compte PhD and Pablo Jercog PhD. Together, these labs have a strong publication record investigating the neural circuit basis of different types of memory formation mechanisms, and synaptic receptor mediated autoimmune brain pathologies, and they have extended experience in Calcium imaging, electro-physiology, analysis of behavioral/neuronal data sets and computational modeling. 

The project is supported by CELLEX foundation and will be developed at IDIBAPS, a public biomedical research institute whose mission is to encourage Systems Neuroscience, translational research, and technological progress in the field of Biomedicine. The candidate will enroll in the Biomedicine PhD program of the University of Barcelona, one of the most exciting cities to develop a broad range of biotechnologies in Europe.

Candidate profile: Candidates with a very good track record in their undergraduate degree (e.g. physics, math, bioinformatics, bioengineering), a Master’s in a neuroscience-related discipline and with an interest in cognition, and advanced data analysis techniques are encouraged to apply. Candidates with good oral and written skills in English will be given preference. Previous experience with neuroscience data analysis or programming (Matlab, Python, etc.) will be highly valued.

Applications should be addressed to Pablo Jercog ( with the subject: “predoctoral position”

and include a: Statement of Research Interest, CV and 1-2 referees information.

Candidates will be evaluated starting in March 1st 2019 and until the position is filled. Estimated starting date: between May and September 2019.

Pablo Jercog visits the Liceo Politècnic de Sant Cugat, in Barcelona where he talks about memory, to 15-17 years old students. 

November 2019 

Pablo Jercog talk at Centre Cívic Urgell, Barcelona. December 18, 2018

Pablo Jercog talk ,12è Festival de la Ciència, Barcelona.  June 9, 2018

Pablo Jercog talk at the TDLC in San Diego (UCSD). March 28, 2018