
PhD thesis (defended 19/12/2023):

González-Mazón P. Effective methods for multilinear birational transformations and contributions to polynomial data analysis 

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Research articles:

1. Busé L,  González-Mazón P,  Schicho J. Tri-linear birational maps in dimension three 

Math. Comp. 92 (2023), 1837-1866 

This paper was accepted for a contributed talk at MEGA 2022.

Preprint | Cite 

2. González-Mazón P,  Busé L,  2023. Birational 3D free-form deformations of degree 1 × 1 ×

Preprint | Cite 

3. González-Mazón P, Hubard A, Karasev R, 2023. Weak (1-ε)-nets for polynomial superlevel sets 

Preprint | Cite 

Other publications:

1. Translation into Spanish of the vignette “Goodstein Sequences: The Power of a Detour via Infinity” from the Blog of the Klein Project, 2019.

2. González-Mazón P, Vinuesa-Tejedor J, 2018. Solution to the “Problem 327” proposed at La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española.

La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española, vol. 21, n.2, pp. 341-342.