Classification of Digital Health Interventions


P4PPP Score



The classification of digital health interventions (DHIs) categorizes the different ways in which digital and mobile technologies are being used to support health system needs. Targeted primarily at public health audiences, this Classification framework aims to promote an accessible and bridging language for health program planners to articulate functionalities of digital health implementations. Also referred to as a taxonomy, this Classification scheme is anchored on the unit of a digital health intervention, which represents a discrete functionality of the digital technology to achieve health sector objectives.

Not applicable

Openly deployed



Classification system

3..0 Health System Managers


Classification of Digital Health Interventions v 1.0;sequence=1

"Classification of digital health interventions. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018(WHO/RHR/18.06). Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO"




Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialShareAlike 3.0 IGO Licence

Not specified

Not specified


Phone No of Organisation

Fax No of Organisation

email of Organisation

Name of Organisation

World Health Organization

Type of Organisation


Description of Organisation

WHO, is the directing and coordinating authority on international health within the United Nations system, adheres to the UN values of integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity. WHO began when our Constitution came into force on 7 April 1948 – a date we now celebrate every year as World Health Day. WHO is now more than 7000 people from more than 150 countries working in 150 country offices, in 6 regional offices and at our headquarters in Geneva.

Address of Organisation

WHO Headquarters in Geneva, Avenue Appia 20, 1211 Geneva

Contact name of owner/ representative

Dr. Garrett Mehl


Garrett Mehl, Tigest Tamrat, Maeghan Orton, Lale Say, Edward Kelley and Diana Zandi

Elaine Baker - PATH, Sean Blaschke - UNICEF, James BonTempo - Johns Hopkins University-Center for Communication Programs, Nicolas DeBorma - BlueSquare, Hani Eskandar - International Telecommunications Union, Dennis Falzon - WHO Global TB Program, Thomas Fogwill - Meraka Institute, Michael Frost - Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Skye Gilbert - PATH, Hallie Goertz - PATH, Jan Grevendonk - WHO Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals, Surabhi Joshi - WHO Preventing Non-Communicable Diseases, Manish Kumar - MEASURE Evaluation, Alain Labrique - Johns Hopkins, University-Global mHealth Initiative, Mark Landry - WHO South-East Asia Regional Office, Carl Leitner - Digital Square, Kelly L’Engle - University of San Francisco, Alvin Marcelo - Asian eHealth Information Network, Donna Medeiros - Asian Development Bank, Derek Muneene - WHO Regional Office for Africa, Henry Mwanyika - PATH, David Novillo - WHO Region of the Americas, Steve Ollis - John Snow Inc., Jonathan Payne - Independent Consultant, Liz Peloso - Independent Consultant, Derek Ritz - ecGroup Inc, Merrick Schaefer - United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Anneke Schmider - WHO Information, Evidence and Research, Chris Seebregts - Jembi Health Systems, Dykki Settle - PATH, Chaitali Sinha - International Development Research Centre, Michael Stahl - Independent Consultant, Hazim Timimi - WHO Global TB Program, Steven Uggowitzer - Essential Support for Health Informatics, Lavanya Vasudevan - Duke University, Adele Waugaman - USAID, William Weiss - USAID


Partnership type

Not specifed

Partnership details

Not specifed