Thanks for your input. I must try a compressor before Ozone and see how it pans out. There are some good presets for the different compressors in Cubase so I must experiment with those. I used a gain plug-in before ozone to drop the db levels down to -3 and that made the track sound way better after I reran the AI again.

Major commercial developers like Native Instruments are rare guests in our freeware section. But when NI releases the equalizer from the iZotope Ozone 11 mastering suite as a free plugin, that warrants an exception! The Ozone 11 EQ is a powerful mastering equalizer that has helped shape countless hit records. In addition to several frequency bands with flexible curves, it offers a transient/sustain mode to shape the impact of your tracks, as well as mid/side processing for controlling the stereo image. Free EQs are plentiful, but this is one that surely deserves a spot in your plugin folder. Thanks NI!

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Excellent writeup, I have ozone 9 advanced, neutron 3 advanced, and nectar 3 plus. They work great together, and are collectively helping me immensely, ntm teaching me a little along the way. One purchase for my home studio that I absolutely do not regret.

Ozone 11 EQ is the go-to equalizer plugin for mastering pros, packed with features to enhance any mix. Shape the impact of your tracks with the new Transient/Sustain mode. Zero in on problem frequencies with the easy-to-use interface, and shape your stereo image using Mid/Side mode. Get all that and much more with this flexible, powerful EQ plugin.

Biodiesel is a widely used fuel that meets the renewable fuel standards developed under the Energy Policy Act of 2005. However, biodiesel is known to pose a series of abiotic and biotic corrosion risks to storage tanks. A typical practice (incumbent system) used to protect the tanks from these risks include (i) coating the interior surface of the tank with a solvent-free epoxy (SFE) liner, and (ii) adding a biocide to the tank. Herein, we present a screening-level life-cycle assessment study to compare the environmental performance of a graphene oxide (GO)-epoxy (GOE) liner with the incumbent system. TRACI was used as an impact assessment tool to model the midpoint environmental impacts in ten categories: global warming potential (GWP, kg CO2 eq.); acidification potential (AP, kg SO2 eq.); potential human health damage impacts due to carcinogens (HH-CP, CTUh) and non-carcinogens (HH-NCP, CTUh); potential respiratory effects (REP, kg PM2.5 eq.); eutrophication potential (EP, kg N eq.); ozone depletion potential (ODP kg CFC-11 eq.); ecotoxicity potential (ETXP, CTUe); smog formation potential (SFP kg O3 eq.) and fossil fuel depletion potential (FFDP MJ surplus). The equivalent functional unit of the LCA study was designed to protect 30 m2 of the interior surface (unalloyed steel sheet) of a 10 000 liter biodiesel tank against abiotic and biotic corrosion during its service life of 20 years. Overall, this LCA study highlights the improved environmental performance for the GOE liner compared to the incumbent system, whereby the GOE liner showed 91% lower impacts in ODP impact category, 59% smaller in REP, 62% smaller in AP, 67-69% smaller in GWP and HH-CP, 72-76% smaller in EP, SFP, and FFDP, and 81-83% smaller ETXP and HH-NCP category results. The scenario analysis study revealed that these potential impacts change by less than 15% when the GOE liners are functionalized with silanized-GO nanosheets or GO-reinforced polyvinyl carbazole to improve the antimicrobial properties. The results from an uncertainty analysis indicated that the impacts for the incumbent system were more sensitive to changes in the key modeling parameters compared to that for the GOE liner system.

A transformed Eulerian mean residual circulation for the middle atmosphere is calculated from daily Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere data for the period 15 January 1979 to 10 February 1979. When compared to time-averaged results, the daily calculated circulations are shown to reproduce better and provide a mechanistic explanation of the short-term changes in the zonal mean temperature and ozone in the high-latitude stratosphere.

A major feature of the zonal mean transport circulation is the springtime buildup of ozone in the polar lower stratosphere (Bowman and Krueger 1985). This observed seasonal cycle of ozone is captured by two-dimensional transformed Eulerian mean residual circulation (TEM RC) models. Whether it was possible to obtain a transport circulation that could reproduce the observed short-term (daily) zonal mean ozone changes remained unanswered.

In this study, daily TEM RCs are calculated from a minimum set of satellite observations obtained from Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere (LIMS) data between 15 January 1979 and 10 February 1979. This period was selected because substantial day-to-day changes of zonal mean ozone occurred when the planetary wave spectrum was dominated by one wave. Because of the single wave, nonlinear interactions are minimized, and this justifies the use of the linear equations used here. The daily circulations are shown to reproduce and provide a mechanistic explanation of the short-term changes seen in zonal mean temperature and ozone in the high-latitude middle stratosphere.

The calculation of the TEM RC is briefly outlined in section 2. LIMS zonal mean ozone features for the period examined here are discussed in section 3. The method of Schfer (1979) is used to show that the stationary and transient wavenumber-1 dominated this period in section 4. Results of this study are presented in section 5 and discussed in section 6. A summary appears in section 7. Equations for obtaining the streamfunction and eddy velocities appear in appendix A. A rationalization for the tracer transport equation used during the period examined here, the methods for calculating the symmetric diffusion tensor and simulating zonal mean ozone chemistry, and the technique used to advect and diffuse the zonal mean ozone number density are summarized in appendix B.

LIMS geopotential and temperature are used to calculate the planetary wave contribution in Eq. (2), and LIMS temperature and ozone are used to calculate the net heating rate with the routine MIDRAD (Shine 1987). In this manner, the role that the waves have in determining the zonal mean temperature and its departure from radiative equilibrium will be accounted for in the evaluation of the rhs of Eq. (2). Although * is obtained by first calculating the rhs of Eq. (2), the streamfunction should not be interpreted as being induced by the planetary wave and zonal mean diabatic forcings (Eliassen 1951; Dunkerton 1989). Using a set of quasigeostrophic TEM equations on a beta-plane, it can be shown that the waves are primarily responsible for the departure of the zonal mean temperature from radiative equilibrium (Andrews et al. 1987), which in turn determines the net heating rate. Planetary waves play a major role in determining Q in Eq. (2).

Two model zonal mean ozone fields are initialized with LIMS data for 15 January (Fig. 1a) and advanced for 27 days using Eq. (5). One field is advanced with dynamics calculated from a 27-day average of the data, while the second field is advanced using quantities that are recalculated daily. The LIMS zonal mean ozone field for 10 February is shown in Fig. 1f and results from the time-averaged and daily calculations for this date are shown in Fig. 4.

Figure 5b shows that the daily updated TEM RC does better in reproducing the local maximum ozone changes seen at 68N and both 17 mb and 0.5 mb. At 80N, the daily calculations show a 45% increase in the zonal mean ozone column. While this is still greater than the 21% increase seen in data, it is significantly closer to observations than the 81% increase calculated from the time-averaged circulation. As discussed in the next section, the closer agreement with data can be attributed to the changes calculated in the daily circulation.

The ozone trends described in section 2 are seen in Fig. 6, where time series of LIMS zonal mean ozone number density (circles and solid lines) at 10 mb, 5 mb, and 1 mb and 80N are shown, along with the time-averaged (triangles and dashed lines) and daily updated (crosses and dotted lines) results. The latitude 80N is selected because this is where maximum vertical velocities occur during the period examined and it is where dynamical timescales are expected to dominate chemical timescales. Similar results are seen for all latitudes north of 64N. Ozone number density is shown since it is the quantity advected by the transport routine. The 1-mb pressure level is used to assess the results in the upper stratosphere, and 5 mb is near the peak of the vertical distribution of zonal ozone mixing ratio at this latitude. The 10-mb level is where the greatest change in ozone mixing ratio occurs during this 27-day period and has received much attention in past studies (e.g., Leovy et al. 1985).

Comparing time-averaged calculations and data in Fig. 6, the ozone buildup is overestimated between 15 and 23 January at all levels. Time-averaged results show little change in 10-mb ozone between 19 and 27 January and an ozone decrease at 5 and 10 mb after 29 January. At 1 mb, data and time-averaged results compare well initially, but the ozone decrease is grossly overestimated after 23 January. At all pressures shown, time-averaged calculations do not exhibit the day-to-day variations seen in the data.

The changing horizontal symmetric diffusion coefficients in the middle stratosphere also contribute to the reduction in ozone at 10 mb on 25 January. Figure 9 shows the calculated K(s)yy used on 23 and 25 January. The diffusion coefficient has increased in the middle and lower stratosphere on 25 January. The K(s)yy fields show a structure that responds to the changing dynamics. ff782bc1db

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