Özgün Babur, PhD

Assistant Professor

Computer Science Department

College of Science and Mathematics

University of Massachusetts Boston,

100 William T, Morrissey Blvd, Boston, MA 02125


Our lab develops computational solutions to modeling, analytical and visualization problems in molecular biology. Below are some topics of interest in this space.

How to model: New discoveries in molecular biology are still disseminated to the masses using the same, hundreds-years-old method---journal publications. But scientific publications are not optimized for computational processing. We want to reorganize the published data so that we can integrate information and analyze computationally.

Integration of old and new: A new experiment in molecular biology is evaluated on the background of previous findings, but this is generally done by human brains, hence, only at a small scale. We are trying to change that by inventing automated methods for reasoning and building new hypotheses that explain how the new data came to be.

How to show: Hairballs plague systems biology. We are developing new visualization methods that describe complex systems in comprehensible ways.

Please visit the UMB Network Biology lab page for details.


I teach CS 220 Applied Discrete Mathematics and CS 438/638 Applied Machine Learning.

Looking for PhD students

Please see this page for information.


A list of my publications can be found at Google Scholar.