Significant Places

Ozanne & Mitchell families

Zeelandia Planation, British Guiana.

Harold Ozanne’s mother Mary Searle was born in Trinidad 1858 and at the age of 18 married his father John Henry Ozanne a plantation manager. At the time of his birth in April 1879 Harold’s parents were living on the Zeelandia Plantation on the north coast of British Guiana.

Esquimault, Vancouver Island

In 1900 Harold took a squad of Royal Marines from Plymouth, sailed across the Atlantic to Halifax and then by train across Canada to Vancouver to join HMS Phaeton. He kept a diary of the journey.

Harrow School

Harold had several connections with Harrow School. His aunt Georgiana Searle was married to George Hallam, a master at the school and their two sons were born in Harrow. Harold's mother (Mary Searle) spent time with her sister in Harrow when her husband was in Gambia. Their brother Frederick Searle - Harold's uncle - was also a master at the School.

In 1929 Harold retired from the Royal Marines and became commander of the Harrow School Officers Training Corps. He remained there until 1933.

Etham House, Darling Point, Sydney, Australia.

Etham, on Darling Point overlooking Double Bay, was a grand house built in 1869 for James Sutherland Mitchell (1819-1893) a partner in Tooth's Brewery and the 150th richest Australian of all time. James Sutherland Mitchell was the grandfather of Mary Ozanne (Harold's wife)

Sant'Antonio, Tivoli near Rome, Italy.

A medieval monastery grafted onto a Roman villa of the time of Caesar Augustus. Sant'Antonio was purchased in 1879 by Harold's grandfather Frederick Searle, and restored over a period of 20 years. The villa is still owned by the family.

Hutton Court, Hutton, Near Weston super Mare, Somerset

A 15th Century manor house. Inherited by Thomas Bisdee (1852–1933) who was married to Edith Mitchell. Edith was the daughter of James Sutherland Mitchell and an aunt of Mary Ozanne (Harold's wife)

KGS Komet (His Majesty’s Government Ship) was based in Rabaul on the island of New Britain, which was the administrative centre for the Protectorate of German New Guinea and headquarters of the Colonial Governor.

Her Captain was Carl Moeller, who in 1910 married Helen Wylde daughter of General and Mrs Edward Andrée Wylde.