Searle family

the descendant of Frederick August Searle 1824-1903

Sant'Antonio, Tivoli, Rome

Frederick Augustus Searle (1824-1903) - Harold Ozanne's father in law

Harold's maternal grandfather Frederick Augustus Searle went to Trinidad in 1848 to run a sugar plantation.

He married Georgiana Richardson in 1853 when he was described as a West Indian Planter. They then moved to a plantation in Surinam and returned to England 30 years later.

On a trip to Italy in 1879 he bought Sant'Antonio the dilapidated ruins of Horace's summer residence 30 miles from Rome, built around 100 BC with parts rebuilt in 1583. He and his wife then spent the next 20 years restoring the property.

Mary Searle (Harold's mother)

Mary Lennox Searle (Ozanne) 1858 - 1928 Harold Ozanne's mother

Mary (May) Lennox Searle was born on 24 February 1858 on the Orange Grove Plantation, Trinidad, Jamaica. She married John Ozanne at Holy Trinity Church, Essequibo, West Demerara, British Guiana in 1879

She had two children - Harold and Katherine May, both born whilst she was living in British Guiana.

She had a brother Frederick Charles Searle 1859 - 1904 and a sister Georgiana 1863 to 1944

Mary Ozanne did not accompany her husband to the Gambia when he was appointed as British Commissioner, and where he died of yellow fever aged 42. She spent some time living with her sister Georgiana in Harrow and also lived in the South of France to avoid the cold English weather.

She died at the Bristol Hotel in Cannes aged 70.

Mary Searle (Summer 1927)