Theresa Mary Mitchell 'Teasie' 'Tessie' 'Tiddler'


Theresa Mary Mitchell was born in Balmain, Sydney, Australia on 3 January 1859

Age 22 she married Edward Wylde who at that time was a junior Royal Marine officer on board HMS Wolverine based in Sydney Harbour. They were married on 8th December at the Church of St Mark's, Darling Point, Sydney with the ceremony conducted by the local vicar and the chaplain from Edward's ship.

In the census of 1891 aged 32 she was living at 11 King Edward Road, Rochester, Kent with her husband and three children, Helen 8, Maud 5, Mary 1 and a housemaid, cook and nurse. During their married life they moved wherever the Royal Marines sent them, including Hawksbury, Bury Road, Alverstoke, Gosport, and in Deal in Kent in 1910 when their daughter Mary married Harold Ozanne.

In 1914 she travelled with her husband to German New Guinea, via her home town of Sydney, Australia, to visit her daughter Helen whose husband Carl Moeller was the Captain of the German Governor's official yacht the 'Komet' based in Rabaul.

Sydney Gossip October 1914

Mrs E. A. Wylde wife of Lieutenant General Wylde, who with her husband passed through on Monday from German New Guinea on their way south, is a daughter of James Sutherland Mitchell of Eltham Sydney N.S.W. Lieutenant -General Wylde thirty three years ago was on the Australian Station, on HMS Wolverine and during his two years there fell in love with and married Miss Mitchell. They have three daughters, one of whom is married to a German Army Officer at Rabaul.

Theresa and her husband lived at 11 Evelyn Mansions, Carlisle Place, London SW1 and often stayed with her sister Edith who was 5 years older than her and who had married Thomas Bisdee and returned to live at his family home Hutton Court near Weston super Mare.

Edward Andree Wylde died in 1925 aged 67. The following year Theresa spent six months visiting her daughter Helen in Argentina. Helen and her husband Carl Moeller had moved to Argentina after WW1.

By 1939 she was living with her daughter and son in law Mary and Harold Ozanne at 9 Thurloe Court, Kensington. Her granddaughter Susan was also living there together with two housemaids. Mary and Harold also had a house in Sawbridgeworth (Sheering Mill) and Theresa's final years were spent living nearby at St Mary's Cottage, Vantorts Road, Sawbridgeworth.

Theresa died on 1st October 1955 - thirty years after her husband. She was the last survivor of all her siblings.