Family Time

Netflix Party is a new way to watch Netflix with your friends online. Netflix Party synchronizes video playback and adds group chat to your favorite Netflix shows.

Link up with friends and host long distance movie nights and TV watch parties today!

-Tik Tok Family Challenges (with a prize offered)

-1,000 piece puzzle Family Challenge (with a prize offered)​/Ask the winning families their strategies for working together and completing the puzzle

-Trivia Night (host friendly competitions with other families via Zoom, Google Hangouts or Facetime)

-Family Feud Night

For Parents & Guardians

Family Check-ins: Pick a couple of times during the day to come together as a family - maybe be in a circle - to check in with each. You could pick one of the the following questions to answer in the circle:

● How are you doing? Thumbs up or thumbs down. On a scale of 1-10.

● Describe yourself as a weather forecast - warm and sunny, cloudy with a chance of storms, etc.

● If you could be a superhero, what superpower would you choose and why?

● What 5 words would you like people to use when they describe you?

● Share your favorite memory.

● Tell what gives you hope.

Talking to Adolescents about COVID-19