News & Events 2023

 Food Shelf Holds Auction

The Oxford Ecumenical Council and Food Shelf is holding a silent auction, with 100% of the money raised going directly to the Oxford Food Shelf.

The Council is auctioning a gorgeous quilt lovingly sewn by a council member. It more than fits a twin-sized bed.

Council members will be at Saint Ann Church  at the 9 am and 11 am masses on Sunday, Dec. 10, displaying the quilt, helping to record the bids, and answering questions about the auction. The Council has an opening bid of $200. 

Serious bidders may also call the Food Shelf at 508-987-1062 to leave your bid. 

 Holiday Sweeter with Table Talk

Table Talk Pies comes through for us again - by donating 102 apple pies to complete the holiday meal fixings bag we are distributing to our families this month! These guys are awaiting our families and will be loading their groceries, holiday fixings bags, and individual pies into their vehicles for them.  

Thank you all for your generosity and all you do for the local community.

Library Holds Soup Drive 

Our neighbor, the Oxford Free Public Library, is holding a Soup Drive to benefit the Oxford 

Ecumenical Council and Food Shelf. What a great idea! Stop at the library to get a book and leave a can of soup for someone who could use a hot meal. The soup drive is ongoing, through early February. Please support the library and the Food Shelf! Thank you to all for your continued generosity! 

 Children Give from the Heart 

Thank you so much to everyone in the local community who has donated to the Food Shelf during this Thanksgiving season! Our families and our volunteers are most appreciative. This week, we received this generous donation from Jack and Jill Preschool. So cute and helpful!

 Hundreds of Pounds of Food  

The Oxford Ecumenical Council and Food Shelf is very blessed! Thank you so much, Wilson Language Training, for your generous contribution to our pantry. Looks like hundreds of pounds of food! Plus a monetary donation. Our families really appreciate all you do in our local community, especially at this time of year.

Local Yogis are Generous 

Our neighboring yogis do it again! Better Life With Yoga held a food drive for the Oxford Ecumenical Council and Food Shelf and dropped off their generous donation this morning! Our families and volunteers appreciate all you do for the local community, especially during the Holiday Season! Thank you - and Namaste!

Food Pantry Adds New Shelving

Always thinking of our families! We recently invested in new shelving for our non-perishable food items that's more open and accessible. Not a lot of reaching up or down or in! Remember, at the Oxford Food Shelf you choose the foods that are right for your family. Many thanks to our Ecumenical Council for their help with this project. 

Oxford Teachers Collect Food 

We love our teachers! The Oxford Education Association collected enough non-perishable food items to fill two carts! Faculty at all four schools and students at the elementary schools participated. Thank you so much. We live in such an amazing community

N&J Donuts Donates Sweet Treats

We can almost smell the goodness coming from this photo! Yes, we provide our families with some sweet treats every week. A big thank you to N & J Donuts for their continued generosity. 


Table Talk Donates Pies

Table Talk Pies in Worcester, MA, donated more than 100 apple and apple crumb pies to the Oxford Ecumenical Food Shelf for our families' Thanksgiving fixings bags. Famiies and volunteers alike are grateful for their generosity.  

Annual Walk Raises $3000+

The Oxford Ecumenical Council and Food Shelf is blessed with a giving, generous community. We than the walkers, volunteers and sponsors who made the day a success! A special thank you to P and D Pizza who donated pizza to feed 40 people! We raised $3000+!

Oxford Farms Donates

Theresa Cohen of Oxford Farms donated two cases of summer squash to the Oxford Food Shelf. She is pictured here with Dave Murray, Food Shelf Volunteer. Thank you, Theresa and Oxford Farms for your generous donation. Our families and volunteers appreciate it!

Oxford Food Shelf Plans Crop Walk

Please join the Oxford Ecumenical Council, Oxford Food Shelf and others on Sunday, October 15, for the annual Crop Hunger Walk. 

The easy 3.5-mile walk through Oxford at the First Congregational Church at 1 pm. Registration is at 12:30 pm. 

We’re looking to raise $1000 this year. To participate, please go to: and join the Oxford Ecumenical Council, Oxford MA team.

Oxford Diner Raffle Raises $5,000+

Sometimes the generosity of our neighbors blows us away! 

We are grateful to Carl's Oxford Diner for holding a meat raffle and raising $5,000+ to support the Food Shelf. We will put it to good use! 

Thank you all for participating and your willingness to help your neighbors in need. 


Mini Food Pantry Aids Oxford 

Have you noticed the new addition to the First Congregational Church? Many thanks to Sam Boucher of Scout Troop 147 for designing and building a mini food pantry for the community as his Eagle Scout project! 

Please help yourself or to add to the contents. We are blessed to have community-minded scouts in our midst!

