Rules / Regles
These are not hard rules. More like Trail Etiquette or Winter Trail Best Practices.
Please be advised that OWWT only has a contract permit to groom these public trails. Any NCC rules and bylaws supersede any suggestions listed below.
Trails are not patrolled / Use them at your own risk
Our trails are groomed by a dedicated volunteer team
Fat-biking, walking, running, xc skiing and snowshoeing are allowed, and encouraged, but please avoid biking, walking or snowshoeing on the groomed track set portion of the trails (this includes your dogs if that can be avoided)
Generally walking and biking should be in the centre lane but some sections of the trail only have tracks on one side, or have a dedicated walking lane to the outside of the tracks too. Consult signage if you are unsure of which "lane" to use.
If possible, avoid walking or biking on the trail if it is soft and you are causing "post" (boot) holes or ruts. It may take a few hours after grooming to firm up and set. Grab/bring some snowshoes and use them instead; it's much more pleasant anyway than breaking through the surface
Dogs are permitted. Please be courteous and clean up after them. No skier likes brown wax!
....NCC rules say though that skiers or bikers cannot bring along any dogs (leashed or unleashed)
Please only enter the private Kanata Nordic Ski Club Ski Trails if you are on skis and are a club member or hold a day pass.
Do not litter- take out what you pack in. Respect all property
Report any hazards
Carry a cell phone
Respect your own fitness and skill level; don’t overdo it
Read and obey any signage
Stay hydrated and energized; carry water and a snack with you
Check the weather forecast and/or radar, before going skiing
Dress in layers to adapt to changing weather conditions and exertion levels
Watch your companions for frostbite in severe weather or just don’t ski on those days
In case of emergency, call 911
We share our trail network with local wildlife and ask that you avoid approaching or interacting with them.
OWWT assumes no liability for trail users and carries no insurance for the public. The paths/trails are owned by the NCC or leased by NCC lease-holders, and groomed by Kanata Nordic Ski Club
Trail Etiquette
Ski in control. Descending skiers have right-of-way
Do not ski behind the groomers
Always ski to the right when meeting on-coming skiers
Faster skiers should step around slower skiers with a friendly warning. Use “On your left” or “Track”.
Stop only when you are visible from above and not obstructing the trail
When you fall, move off the track and then fill in any holes so it is safe for following skiers
If walking is necessary, stay to one side and avoid walking in tracks
Be courteous and helpful to fellow skiers
Fat Bike Guidelines
Wide tires only, minimum 3.8″
Tire pressure no higher than 8 PSI
Enough flotation that when traveling over the snow you do not leave a rut any deeper than 1/2" / 1 cm.
Don’t bike on wet/soft snow that will later freeze and form ruts
Sufficient traction that you are able to safely control your bike and ride in a straight line
Don’t come up fast and surprise other trail users. Let them know you are there and share the trail
Don’t bike on the classic xc-ski trail
Understand changing conditions
Use lights after dark
Fat pedal assist eBikes are allowed but make sure you obey NCC speed limits and be very careful around other users due to your higher average speed capability and weight of the bike.
Public health directives and measures established by local authorities apply at all times.
If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, are waiting for test results or have tested positive, stay home and follow isolation guidelines.
Keep a two-metre distance from others, even if you are wearing a mask or face covering.
Physical Activity is important not only for our physical health, but for our mental health, but we need to do so safely. Please stay safe everyone and enjoy the trail!
Special Walking Lane (for instance on Greenbelt Holly Acres)