Behavior Modification

Does your dog...

growl, show teeth, crouch or snap over food, treats or toys?

bark and lunge at other dogs, people, or bicycles on leash, in the yard or out the window?

seem anxious and scared of many aspects of daily life?

fight with other dogs or pets, or have problems with the humans in your home?

Does your dog do things that concern or scare you? We can help you and your dog with a customized and comprehensive Behavior Modification Plan.

Your program will include:

An initial Consultation

Virtual or phone consultation to include medical, developmental and behavioral history. This 1 hour long consultation will include in depth history and development, problem identification, descriptions about on-going difficulties. Several foundation training skills will be demonstrated so you can practice with your dog prior to the first in home session

Individualized Behavioral Plan

Formal written behavioral plan will include the following information:

· History (gathered during our initial consultation)

· behavior change goals

· specific steps to meet the goals

· human education to understand behavior, dog body language, developmental stages and thresholds

· Management and confinement guidelines

· List of recommended training skills to be taught to the dog

· Written training plans and videos for behaviors/skills

In-home training sessions

· Observation of the physical environment, dog’s behavior/interaction with the family

· Review/develop foundation skills demonstrated during the Initial Phone/Virtual consultation

· Teach and practice additional skills with your dog and your family

· Email follow up if needed with training plans and videos