Evan Hardy Drama Courses

Drama 10

This course will use improvisation techniques to develop character , investigate time periods, and explore relationships. Using devised theatre techniques, we will expand on topics of gender and sexual diversities, the importance of language through interactions, and how time and culture inform our stories. Students will produce and perform a original play. It's fast-paced, movement based, and lots of fun!

Drama 20/30

This course will investigate the use of production elements in theatrical storytelling such as sound, lights. set, and costuming! This course aligns with the annual Evan Hardy musical and will apply skills to the set of this production. With a focus of play analysis and play writing, students will also devise narratives that tackle topics media perception regarding issues of representation, mental health, and gender and sexual diversity. Students will produce and perform an orginal play.

Evan Hardy Collegiate 

605 Acadia Drive, Saskatoon SK

S7H 3V8 

Email: ehcoutoftheblue@gmail.com