By default, when you use the Save As command to save e-mail messages and attachments in Outlook, these items are saved in your My Documents folder. The following is the path where e-mail messages and attachments are saved in Outlook 2003 by default:

In the Edit String dialog box, type the path, including the drive letter, to the folder that you want to use for your Outlook saved items in the Value data box, and then select OK.

Outlook Choose Download Folder

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The sync settings you choose are unique to each computer unless you're syncing everything everywhere. Also, if you're choosing folders on two computers and you create a new folder on computer A that you want to sync to computer B, you'll need to go to computer B and select the new folder there.

I am trying to create a user form that will allow the user to select the folder to copy a set of emails from to an excel spreadsheet. I have done all the rest (ie created the copy process) but currently I have to manually enter the namespace and folder hierarchy for each new installation of this macro. Below is my manual process

Now this vba will be shared among a fair few people and each person has a different setup. Is there a way I can set this up in a userform using say a list-box and all they do is select the correct folder and click continue and the folder selection is stored in a variable or some sort?

I'd like to change the folder that "Ignore" uses to a custom one that I can exclude from searches. The environment I work in is pretty locked down, and so I don't have access to the registry and can't install any software or things like that for any potential solutions.

We use Microsoft 365 here at the office and I decided to try out the "new" Outlook, which basically looks like the web app. Anyway, it seems there are now only 3 options for saving attachments -- Preview, save to OneDrive, or Download (i.e. to downloads folder). I would like to "Save As" so I can select a different download location, just like I could on the old Outlook. Any way to do this?

If you would like to give a person permission to access a folder in your Office 365 account it involves giving permission in two places. First, you need to give the person permission to access your Office 365 e-mail account Mailbox (e.g., Mailbox - Doe, Jane) then you need to give the person permission to access each Folder/Subfolder you want to share. The process for sharing your Mailbox and your Individual folders is the same.

In my June 6, 2017 newsletter I discussed using the Archive folder and button that Microsoft added to some releases of Outlook 2016. I also wrote about it in the 5th Edition of my Outlook book. In both places I stated that you could change the target folder that the Archive button points to. And I suggested pointing it to the Processed Mail folder.

If you like the one-click approach for filing into the Processed Mail folder, then using a Quick Step to do the same thing is not a bad workaround and more flexible. (Watch free Video #24 at this link for more info on Quick Steps).

Newer versions of Outlook let you start in any folder in your profile. You can use this method to open Outlook with a non-default folder - this is especially handy if you want to start in a different calendar folder.

You can choose a Search folder in your default data file, but Outlook will not use a search folder in a non-default data file. You'll need to use a startup switch to start in a search folder in a non-default data file.

The basic format is Outlook.exe /select outlook: followed by the folder path and name. If you want to use a different folder in the default message store, you need just the folder names in the path:

Outlook.exe /select outlook:Calendar\Testing

To open a folder stored in another PST in the profile, use the PST name and folder path:

Outlook.exe /select outlook:\\Archive Folders\Calendar\TestingOutlook.exe /select outlook:\\Internet Calendars\Diane_Poremsky_Calendar

To open a Search Folder in a non-default data file, use this format, wrapping the path in quotes because it contains spaces:

Outlook.exe /select "outlook:\\\search folders\unread mail"

If you choose a Mail folder as your startup folder, Outlook should start in the Mail module. If it starts in the Folder module (or you want to start in the folder module) and the Mail module is the first one in Folder navigation, you can change a registry key.

Microsoft Outlook organizes emails by folders, much like GroupWise did. Any labels that you created in Google Apps will be converted to folders in Outlook, and you can place emails in these folders or create new folders to organize your emails. If you place an email in a folder in Outlook and later open your email in Google Apps, that email will be archived with the Gmail label that matches the Outlook folder where you placed the email.

To move an email to an existing folder, click on the folder and drag it to the desired folder in the navigation pane on the left side of the window. If the desired folder is located inside another folder, hover over the parent folder until it expands, and then drop the email in the folder you want.

Outlook organizes folders in alphabetical order, except for the Inbox, Drafts, Sent Items, and Deleted Items folders, which appear first. Outlook allows you to nest folders inside other folders so that you can group similar folders together.

If you use Outlook to view your UW Exchange email, you can share email folders with other UW employees. Creating a shared folder will give the individual(s) you specify access to the emails, contacts, tasks, or notes contained in that folder. You may remove access to a shared folder at any time.

Sharing folders is preferable to forwarding in that it 1) doesn't change the metadata (Date, Sender, Recipients, etc.) of the email, and 2) it doesn't add to your account usage. Your office might find shared folders to be useful in any of the following circumstances:

On this page you will find instructions for granting and removing access to shared folders. Please note that the screenshots provided in these instructions reference only the desktop application of Outlook. Once set, the policies will still work if you are using Outlook 365 online.

When sharing folders in Outlook, remember that folder permissions are very explicit. The steps vary depending on whether you are the one granting (User1) or receiving (User2) access.

If the folder(s) you wish to share are not top-level folders (i.e. they are themselves subfolders), and you do not intend to grant User2 access to the contents of these parent folders, you must still grant User2 limited permissions to find that you are sharing a subfolder(s).

Thus far, we have only made the names of your email and any parent folders visible to User2. This step will give User2 access to view and add/delete emails from the specified folder(s) you wish to share. (These instructions are similar to those from Steps 1 & 2 but differ greatly towards the end.)

As a best practice, we strongly recommend drafting an email to User2 (and cc yourself) outlining the folders and the permissions you've granted them along with a link to the instructions in the next section of this webpage. Once you've sent that email, save a copy for yourself so you can refer to it later as a reminder of which folders you've shared and with whom.

Note: Please be aware that any new subfolders you create will inherit the existing permissions of their parent folder by default. New top-level folders will have their names (but not contents) visible to User2. New subfolders under a shared folder will have the same permissions as the shared folder. You can change those permissions manually by following the same procedure outlined in Step 3 above.

Assuming you were given sufficient permissions (i.e. Contributor or Publishing Editor, not Reviewer), you can now simply drag-and-drop emails from your Inbox or personal folders into the shared folder.

And assuming you were given sufficient permissions (i.e. Reviewer or Publishing Editor, not Contributor), you can now simply drag-and-drop emails from the shared folder into your Inbox or personal folders.

The process for removing shared folders is nearly the same as adding them. First, User1 must revisit and revoke the privileges granted for each folder location. Then User2 must change the settings of their email account to remove shared access from User1.

You can also change the default folder that opens when you click Browse this PC on Outlook's Attach File menu (Insert Attachment in older versions) but when you make this change, it changes the default folder for open or saving files in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. (Note: Outlook will default to the last-used folder until it's closed and restarted.)

An easy, low tech way to use a favorite folder: pin the most used folders to Quick Access. (In older versions of Windows, this was called the Places Bar or Favorites, those are customizable too.)

By default, Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge download files to the Downloads folder located at %USERPROFILE%\Downloads. USERPROFILE is a variable that refers to the logged in user's profile directory on the Windows computer, e.g. the path may look like C:\Users\YourUserName\Downloads. However, you may change download folder location in your favorite browser or change the location of the Downloads folder in Windows.

The files are grouped by the date they were downloaded. Click the file name to open it. You may also quickly browse to the folder containing the file. Simply click Show in folder link below the file name.

You may reach all files downloaded during the current browser session by clicking the arrow icon at the top. You may also quickly browse to the folder containing the downloaded file. Simply click the folder icon next to the file name. e24fc04721

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