Copyright © by OutFoxed Designs | The following designs, layout, information, locations and characters are all the author's imagination.

All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced.

Photo Images are credited to their original source and are used for fictional storytelling.

Welcome to Bayridge Stables

This is an Equestrian Group Roleplay open to Literate writers with knowledge of horses.

Bayridge Stables - Equestrian Roleplay is about the daily care and lifestyle of the horses and humans based at Bayridge Stables. There is a Competition Team that goes to English Riding Shows, as well as opportunities to work with abused, neglected, and special needs cases.

Bayridge Stables was established in 2014, geared towards English riding, training and teaching. Juliana Schofield followed her passion for horses and teaching by opening the riding center and brought on her good friend, Maggie Stilwater as her partner. Together they provide an encouraging environment for horses and humans to thrive and flourish in whatever endeavors they wish.

Bayridge while being well known as a fantastic boarding stable, horse training facility, and riding school - it is also a rescue and rehabilitation center for neglected and abused horses. Julianna's passion for caring and providing the best possible life for horses has pushed her to open her heart and stables for horses who need a soft landing space. Working closely with the regional Humane Society, Animal Control, and ASPCA, Bayridge Stables has helped foster and re-home hundreds of in-need horses. She couldn't do it all herself, with Maggie's guidance and strict management of the barn, and Georgina Benson, Bayridge's finest head groom - it still wouldn't be as amazing without the wonderful boarding and training clients, riding students, and interns, and of course the Horses!

It's almost summertime, the weather is perfect and mother-nature is outdoing herself with gorgeous blooms. The horses' are happily munching away on the thick green pastures. It's all business at Bayridge Stables - Show Season is about to start! All the hard-work that's been happening all year long is about to pay off as the riding team gears up for the first schooling show of the year. Between teaching lessons and training horses, the Bayridge Stables team also is welcoming a new generation of horses - with Tali and Jewel awaiting their due date (and sleepless interns keeping late night watches). With a few rescue horses about to graduate and go to their new forever homes, there's always the possibility of new rescue cases coming in.

Bayridge Stables Characters:

Human Characters:

| PM if interested in this Character/Role |

⦁ Name | Age | Gender | Assistant Trainer/Riding Instructor * AVAILABLE *

⦁ Name | Age | Gender | Competition Team Coach * AVAILABLE *

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Welcome to the Sign Up thread for the

Bayridge Stables Equestrian RP

This is an Equestrian Group Roleplay open to Literate writers with knowledge of horses.

It is about the daily care and lifestyle of the horses and humans based at Bayridge Stables. There is a Competition Team that goes to English Riding Shows, as well as opportunities to work with abused, neglected, and special needs cases.

Roleplay Rules

⦁ HEE Site & Roleplay Rules

⦁ Respect all members

⦁ 3rd person POV from the Human Perspective

⦁ Animals communicate through realistic means only (body language, vocalization)

⦁ Age Range - 16-50 (flexible)

⦁ Writing Length should be a few paragraphs with proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.

⦁ Limit one on one interactions - be inclusive to the group

⦁ Utilize character flaws and watch success/failure rates | A random success rate will be utilized if members can't self-regulate

- Members, Characters, Plotline Twists, etc. are subject to approval.

- Literacy and knowledge requirements must be met to participate in this rp

- Antagonizing and detrimental characters will not be allowed in the rp

- Plotlines that detract from the overall theme of the rp will not be allowed

If you have a passion for horses and love writing - this is a roleplay for you!

Challenge yourself as your characters experience the daily care and lifestyle of a working horse farm!

Test your horse knowledge as the characters interact at Bayridge Stables: ride on the competition team in horse shows; perform daily chores around the barn; and work with newborn foals, wild horses, or retraining rescue cases.

Develop your characters - giving depth with their backgrounds, flesh out relationships (friends, enemies, romantic interests), and dive into their personalities.

Have fun creating with fellow roleplayers, throwing your characters into wild scenarios, and exploring your passion for horses and writing.

Character Roles:

~ No Character Limit ~

⦁ Staff - BRS Employees who care for the horses/stable (Groom/Stablehand)

⦁ Working Students/Interns - trade work for riding/experience

⦁ Clients - Boarders & Riding Students | Competition Team

⦁ Service Providers - Veterinarian, Farrier, Bodywork, Clinician


⦁ Service Providers | as needed


- Julianna Schofield ⦁ BRS Owner/ Head Trainer

- Maggie Stilwater ⦁ BRS Barn Manager/ Instructor

- Katherina Payne ⦁ BRS Head Groom


Stall #. Registered Name, Barn Name, Age, Sex, Breed, Owner, Discipline

Pasture Boarded Horses :

Pasture #. Registered Name, Barn Name, Age, Sex, Breed, Owner, Role

BRS are NPCs - available to anyone

NP 1&2 - 5 Horse | NP 3 - 4 Horses

NP1. Dancer | 16 | Mare | Oldenburg | BRS | Broodmare

NP1. Kismet | 12 | Mare | Hanoverian | BRS | Broodmare

NP1. Tali | 11 | Mare | Trakehner | BRS | Broodmare | Expecting

NP1. Jewel | 12 | Mare | American Warmblood| BRS | Broodmare | Expecting

NP2. Entanglement | Venus | 15 | Mare | Quarter Horse | BRS | Lesson

NP2. Rhapsody | 13 | Mare | TB | BRS | Lesson

NP2. Polkadot | 17 | Gelding | POA | BRS | Lesson

Rehabilitation Horses:

Name, Age, Sex, Breed, Status, Handler

NPCs - available to anyone

a. ___ | 4 | Stallion | Off The Track Thoroughbred | Neglect | Rehabilitation

b. ___ | 2 | Filly | Mustang | BLM Feral | Gentling

c. ___ | 15 | Mare | PMU Farm | Neglect | Rehabilitation

d. ___ | 7 | Gelding | Amish Draft | Abuse | Rehabilitation

Will assign housing when claimed

Character Sheet & Information







Sexual Orientation:

Romantic Interest:



Riding Ability:




Show Name:

Barn Name:









Stall Number:

Feel free to add more information

Personalize to your style


⦁ 20 stall barn with 14'x14' stalls and 14'x20' attached runs

⦁ Full tack room with personal lockers and space for tack trunks. Washer & Dryer

⦁ Feed Room with space for individual grain and supplements

⦁ Full bathroom with shower

⦁ 8 grooming stalls with wash rack capabilities. Hot & Cold Water. Storage space between each stall for tack, grooming, and/or bathing items

⦁ A 150'x300' indoor arena (covered breezeway between stable and arena)

⦁ A 16'x18' covered area for Farrier/Veterinarian/etc. care (unattached to barn)

⦁ Warehouse for Tractor, Farm Vehicle, and Farm Trailer/Rig storage and tools

⦁ 6 Horse Eurocisor and covered observation area

⦁ 90' Covered Round Pen with attached Observation areas

⦁ 6 Horse 10'x10' external pipe corral stabling area with manure bay, wash rack, 6 hitching posts and two bathroom units

⦁ Full Sized Regulation Outdoor Dressage Ring - includes 4 bleachers, two judges booths, and an announcers stand

⦁ 300'x300' outdoor arena (simple rail split along center line at 150' easily taken down) with a multitude of jump rails, standards, and fillers. Includes a Show Office, Judges booth, Announcers stand, and bleachers

⦁ Cross Country Course with two Start boxes, Announcers stand, Water access, and a multitude of permanent natural cross country jumps (tables, oxers, verticals, ditches, coffins, banks, platforms, skinnies, chevrons)

⦁ 8 half acre dry lot turn outs (for individual or couple turn outs)

⦁ 7 1.4 acre paddock turn outs [medium quality grass kept short] (for small group turn outs) (North Paddock 3 is for 24/7 turnout)

⦁ 5 1.5 acre pasture turn outs [good quality lush grass for grazing] (for small-large group turn outs)

⦁ Every turn out includes a 200 gallon water trough with fresh water (hose & spigot located nearby) and a 32'x18' three-sided shelter

⦁ Large pond in the Cross Country Field

⦁ 18' perimeter sand/dirt track

⦁ Two gated farm entrances (requires a code or call for access)

⦁ 6' perimeter fence and green space

BRS Rules

⦁ Respect Animals, Humans, and Property

⦁ Replace what you borrowed

⦁ Helmets must be worn when riding

⦁ No riding before 5 am or after 9 pm

⦁ Leave areas neater than you found it

⦁ Keep your areas clean - Stall Fronts, Tack/Feed Room, The Lounge

⦁ No Smoking or Drugs on the property

⦁ No Alcohol - No Underage Drinking

⦁ No one under 16 on the ATV

⦁ No one under 21 on the Tractor

⦁ No Bullying

Bayridge Stables and Julianna Schofield promote non-violent training and riding methods. Any Abuse, Neglect, or Harsh treatment of Animals or Humans will not be tolerated.

Roleplay Rules

⦁ HEE Site & Roleplay Rules

⦁ Respect all members

⦁ 3rd person POV from the Human Perspective

⦁ Animals communicate through realistic means only (body language, vocalization)

⦁ Age Range - 16-50 (flexible)

⦁ Writing Length should be a few paragraphs with proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.

⦁ Limit one on one interactions - be inclusive to the group

⦁ Utilize character flaws and watch success/failure rates | A random success rate will be utilized if members can't self-regulate

- Members, Characters, Plotline Twists, etc. are subject to approval.

- Literacy and knowledge requirements must be met to participate in this rp

- Antagonizing and detrimental characters will not be allowed in the rp

- Plotlines that detract from the overall theme of the rp will not be allowed

Please PM with any Questions, Comments, Concerns, and/or Ideas!

How to utilize this thread:

Introduce your characters, feel free to talk about inter-character relations, and potential plot twists!

Bayridge Stables Plot Points:

It's time to Shake Things UP!

These are the current plot twists and plotlines that are being discussed and may be implemented into the rp:

BRS Competition Team:

⦁ Upcoming Shows

⦁ Upcoming Lessons or Clinics

BRS Rehabilitation Program

⦁ Incoming Rescues

⦁ Outgoing Rehabilitated Equines

⦁ Training Lessons or Clinics

BRS Foaling and Breeding

⦁ Mare Due Dates & Foal Watch

⦁ Breeding Schedule

BRS Horse Health

⦁ Scheduled Appointments | Service Visits

⦁ Incoming Horses

Character Interactions:

Friends and Enemies; Love and Hate; Jealousy and Compassion.

It's all happening at Bayridge Stables - where do your characters stand?




Welcome to the Epic Discussion thread for the

Bayridge Stables Equestrian RP

Bayridge Stables, owned and operated by Juliana Schofield, is an all encompassing equestrian facility - with amenities for boarding, training, and lessons. There is also a competitive riding team for those who enjoy showing. While the main focus of BRS is English disciplines (hunters, jumpers, equitation, dressage, and cross country), Juliana also takes in rescues and rehabilitation cases to provide TLC and training until they can get adopted into their forever home.

Maggie Stilwater | 38 F | Barn Manager / Instructor

Location: Barn & North Pasture 3 | Tags: Open

It had been a whirlwind morning, full of the usual chaos - a feed delivery that was supposed to come tomorrow, rescheduling issues with a farrier, and enough phone calls from paranoid parents to give her the biggest headache. Retrieving a cold soda from the fridge in the feedroom, Maggie pressed the aluminum can to her forehead with hopes to relieve the tension. Her cell phone rang - the annoying ringtone programmed specifically to alert her to office calls. A glance at the screen let her know it wasn’t a known important number, so she clicked the side button and stopped the piercing electronic music.

Maggie, a middle-aged woman with light brown hair swept into a bun at the base of her head, dressed in dark wash jeans, a navy blue polo with the farm logo and her name embroidered on the left chest, and a heather grey team jacket over the top. With an afternoon of lessons and running around the barn, she opted for her trusted set of sturdy leather hiking boots. Back in the office next to the feedroom, the thirty-eight-year-old noted the flashing red light on the phone indicating a voicemail but decided to leave it for a few more minutes, She was sure it was something to do with “Little Timmy can’t make it to Pony Club because he has a soccer game” or some other obnoxious reason that parents came up with. Riding is just as serious as those other team sports - even more so because your partner can’t speak the same language as you! But no, people just dismissed it as “the horse does all the work anyways” - not even bothering to understand that equines aren’t machines and their care is more important than sitting in the saddle.

Ugh! She huffed, frustrated with her current mind-space. The cure for such foul thoughts and negative energy - a stroll through the barn and out to the pasture. Only a few horses were actually in the barn - two because they were on overnight turn out and they were snoozing in their stalls, soft grunts and snores escaping out of the stall doors. Another was in getting an early lunch before their lesson - munching contentedly on a full hay bag. The barn smelled like home; horse flesh, pine shavings, fresh hay, recently conditioned leather, and even the dust just made it smell like heaven.

A sound of water running caught her attention and she peered down the aisle where the wash bays were. One of the grooms was bathing a show horse in preparation for clipping. She greeted them with a friendly wave and a quick how-do-you-do chat and of course a peppermint for the good-natured equine. Unconsciously she hummed along to the pop song playing on the radio before heading towards the barn exit and out towards the north pastures.

A gentle bass rumble greeted her even before she made it to the fence. Heaving herself up the bottom two rungs, she saw her faithful old man was already making his way towards her. “Hello, Mister!” Maggie greeted the thirty-year-old with a fond smile. Followed closely by his black swishing tail was the gelding’s partner in crime, another aged gelding. The woman held out a palmful of treats towards each gelding’s nose - she always made sure to bring enough for the two old men in her life. Honor whuffled his thanks as he softly licked his owner’s right hand clean, inspecting it for another few sugar cubes he may have missed. Spangled, the retired lesson horse gobbled up his mouthful before taking an interest in a patch of particularly tasty-looking grass. Letting out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding, Maggie couldn't help but let all her worries slip away as she held her faithful horse’s head in her hands. Honor was her horse of a lifetime - having given so much of him to her, just as much as she’d given to him. Her younger lesson students were always in awe when she showed them pictures of the pair of them flying through equitation courses and out in the foxhunting field - not a lick of grey on the deep brown horse (or her either). The memories flooded her mind, as they always did when they had a quiet moment together - no obstacle had been insurmountable to them back in the day. “You’re no dinosaur though!” She said softly to the delicate ear that was flicked toward her, after all these years still ready to catch her secrets. “I saw you racing Spangled towards the gator this morning when breakfast was served. Was that you bucking or him?” She teased the gelding.

Maggie’s pocket vibrated a quick succession reminding her to get back to work. With a muzzle kiss on the velvety soft fur, she slipped back out of the paddock and headed back towards the barn to see who needed her.

Julianna Schofield | 41 F | BRS Owner / Trainer

Location: Main Arena & Barn Aisle | Tags: Open

It was her fifth ride of the day and she really had to pee, but also really needed coffee. Walking on a loose rein, she guided her current mount around the jump obstacles in the ring for a short cool-out. Sometimes she remembered the days when she didn’t have a full staff in the barn to help her give the highest quality of care to each horse - and disliked not being the one to see to all of her mount’s needs. She repeated the same mantra she’d been saying to herself for years - the extra help means she can help even more horses. The young horse under her had been a lovely ride to end the day’s training sessions; responsive and willing. It was a total change from when it first had arrived six weeks ago for a tune-up. Reaching the arena gate, she guided the horse over to the mounting block and quickly dismounted, running her stirrups up and loosening the girth - an almost forty-year habit that wasn’t going to break any time soon. A groom was readily waiting to take the young horse and give it a proper cool down and groom.

Julianna grabbed for her water bottle and phone, guzzling one and screening the texts she’d received in the half an hour she’d been in the tack. An alert for an upcoming auction caught her eye and she immediately clicked the link. Of the several dozen horses listed, she noted a few in pretty rough condition and a few that sparked her interest for the BRS rehabilitation program.

Screenshotting the images, she typed up an email to the vet for a quick eval. Part of her program was to not only try to rehab horses who could go on to another career but also do the final service for horses who were suffering beyond care. Nothing hurt her heart more than knowing an animal was suffering for no reason. Low-end auctions were notorious for having battered horses with unknown fates spending several months in feedlots waiting for the next shipper - never knowing if it’s to the rendering plant or to another “home” where the abuse would continue. It was better to give the kindest gift of putting a suffering animal out of its misery than to have it spend more time in endless agony with no solution. Fortunately, Dr. McCoy of the local equine hospital and veterinary clinic was a trusted member of the BRS Rehab & Rescue Team. She valued his input above all else and he was always candid about a situation, if there was hope or if euthanasia was the best option. Expense was rarely considered with cases that could be helped - they had some grant funding to help offset costs, a local university for a wealth of knowledge, and kind supporters like Dr. McCoy who helped with services. The best part of the whole program was watching the incredible transformations these horses went through with a bit of TLC and kindness. Students in the Rehab program worked daily with the horses assessing, prescribing a program, and administering the much-needed care. When a horse was deemed rehabilitated - given a clean bill of health and passed the training program - the equine finds its forever home; sometimes even staying at BRS with the student trainer that worked with them from day one. For every horse that left the program to a happy new life, another one was rescued to take its place.

Julianna sighed as she scrolled through the pictures again, her phone was filled with them - and just as many with those same horses but fat and happy and gleaming with care. It made her think once again, just how much sometimes people truly suck. How could you do that to a living breathing being!

The trainer mentally yanked herself back to the present and the reason she had her phone in hand. Clicking an app that kept track of her notes, she dictated aloud how the latest session with the young horse had gone. The start of the ride; the goal she had going in; what she’d worked on during the ride; and her final thoughts of the training session. It was her version of a riding diary and one that she was able to share with her clients to keep them updated on their horses. About once a week she would sit down (ugh paperwork) and write emails to her clients utilizing the training session entries to inform them of what was worked on, how the horse was coming along with the overall goals and any information about health and wellbeing. She would include any information on show performance or if a service provider came (farrier, vet, bodywork, etc.) attaching an invoice if necessary. It was one of the more tedious parts of her job - something that Maggie had nagged her into doing (and a job sometimes delegated to the wonderful barn manager) that her clients have appreciated immensely. It kept them out of her hair for the most part (there was always that one who would text at three am to see if dear Bobby was just as snug as a bug in his night rug and bedded deeply in his pristine stall).

The middle-aged trainer was lithe with long legs and arms, clad in ropey muscles that had done a lifetime of work. She was dressed in a tan pair of unexciting full seat breeches, black tall boots that could use a good cleaning, and a long-sleeve navy technical shirt displaying the stable logo and trainer’s name on the left chest. A black wide-brimmed helmet was semi-permanently stuck to her head, black hair tucked up without strands showing. Julianna stopped in front of the whiteboard that dictated her life - it was situated on the aisle wall by the office. It had tons of information about all the horses, their exercise schedule including turnout and lessons, as well as farrier/vet/bodywork visits. Her main concern was the column that had her name at the top and the current day of the week. Checkmarks next to the horses she’d already worked, either groundwork sessions or training rides; the clock above the board showed that she was running on time. Just about two o’clock meant that she had a couple of lessons to teach and the Competition Team Meeting in the early evening. She might actually get out of the barn at a reasonable time.

Izzy Greene | 21 F | Working Student

Location: Paddocks & Barn Aisle | Tags:

This was taking absolutely forever! Okay, so - maybe it was her fault that it was taking her so long to pick out the dry lots. She kept getting sidetracked by the horses. As soon as she walked into a paddock dragging the manure push-cart, whoever was occupying the turn out would mosey on over to her for cuddles and treats. Which of course she had to give them. And tell the horse how beautiful or handsome they were. Then she would go off in search of poo piles, scoop them up with the manure fork and dump them in the wheel barrow. One curious tobiano actually knocked the half-full cart over and she spent several minutes scolding him before having to chase down the dried up balls.

Why did the manure pile have to be so far away?! She mentally cursed. Izzy felt like she was covered in dust, sweat was dripping down her back, and her shadow displayed a crown of flyaways poking out from her baseball cap. She wore dark blue jeans, a navy BRS polo t-shirt and paddock boots - grateful that she didn't go with her country boots, as she would have been sweating.

She put her tools away in the shed then headed into the barn. After an attempt to knock some of the dust away, Izzy made her way to the tackroom and settled on her tack trunk taking a long drink of water. Checking out the chore list for Working Students - she noted that another item was to clean up the tackroom. When in Rome. She thought to herself, as she stood up and grabbed a broom.

Greyson Kerr | 24 M | Comp Team

Location: Pastures - Tackroom | Tags: mentions/ Izzy

The schedule was rough, but sometimes you had to do what you had to do to make things happen for yourself. Greyson pulled into the parking lot on his beat up second hand motorcycle. It wasn't much to look at, but what he paid in gas sure beat what he would have to pay for diesiel if he used his truck as a commuter vehicle. His horses had the finest equipment, the top of the line care, and no expense spared to keep them healthy and ready to perform. He on the other-hand, rented what was basically a shed on someone's property, thrift for whatever he needed, and never sought medical attention. He frequently pulled double shifts at the restaurant where he bartended.

Grey's first point of interest was to check on his mares in their turn out. He didn't even bother to leave his motorcycle helmet in the barn, instead tucking it under his arm as he walked the paddock lane. A low whinny reached his ears as the red mare caught sight of her owner. Faith was reliably sweet and nurturing. The young copper mare didn't even flick an ear towards him from where she was munching on the grass until he called her name. "Faith," Grey muttered with a hand outstretched to cup her muzzle as the bay had wandered up to his perch. "Glee!" The mare's head shot up - not in his direction; taking off like a speeding bullet to the far end of the turn out then ducking into the shelter - clearly she was not interested in saying hi today.

Greyson stepped off the fence rail and headed to the barn. He kept his head down and stalked into the tackroom. Oblivious to the pathetic cleaning attempts by the brunette working student; the male equestrian swapped his gear for his riding bag from his tack trunk. It took him only a few minutes to swap worn jeans for beige riding pants, a black leather jacket for a hunter green polo t-shirt.

Back in the tackroom and he swapped sneakers for tall boots. The calendar that was stuck to the inside of his tack trunk showed a detail plan for his current training program. A red circle noted the Competition Team Meeting at five pm - and a stamina day for Glee.