Who do I contact if I find a problem with one of the links?

Please use this help form to provide comments, ask questions, or notify us of any issues with any of these resources.

How can I create my own VFE?

To learn more about how to create your own VFE, or how to implement existing VFEs in your classroom visit this site!

What is the Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative?

The Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative (LSSI) brings together schools and community partners to prepare K-12 students to become knowledgeable citizens concerned about the Lake Superior watershed and actively engaged in stewardship projects in their community. Learn more here!

Can I borrow VFE equipment for my classroom?

Our REMC has Maker/STEM items that are loaned out to teachers from REMC1 member schools. These items were purchased to support teachers and their curriculum. To borrow an item, a teacher must make the request and be the person who will be teaching with the item. Please fill out the REMC1 Resource Request Form to learn more.