Delving further into dimensions unseen

Consider the typical two-dimensional world map such as the one on the right.

Ask yourself which is bigger: Africa, or Greenland (in white)?

In fact, Africa is 14 times the area of Greenland. Severe distortion is inevitable when mapping from one dimension to a more basic one.

John Hick (former vice-president of the World Congress of Faiths) considers it thus:

“Concerning the different, and often conflicting, belief systems of the religions: our earth is a three-dimensional globe. But when you map it on a two-dimensional surface, such as a piece of paper, you have to distort it. You cannot get three dimensions into two without distortion. But if a map made in one projection is correct it does not follow that maps made in other projections are incorrect. If they are properly made they are all correct, and yet they all distort. Perhaps our different theologies, both within the same religion and between different religions, are human maps of the infinite divine reality made in different projections. These all necessarily distort, but perhaps all (in different settings) are equally useful in enabling us make our journey through life.”

Article by John Hick, ‘Who or what is God?’

However, as referred to earlier, when thinking about the Divine we aren’t just moving from three dimensions to two. We are thinking about dimensions far beyond our own. The reality behind the word ‘God’ is beyond religion, just as it is beyond science. On the scientific front, present day cosmologists talk about dark matter and dark energy, because of effects on our visible universe. But, just like concepts of the Divine, these too are beyond our current human comprehension.  

There remains something subtle,

intangible and inexplicable. 

Veneration for this force beyond anything

we can comprehend is my religion.

Albert Einstein

It is important to acknowledge that not adequately recognising the developing belief process that Hick refers to, sometimes leads people or groups to think they have found THE answer with their particular distortion. This has led to considerable harmful - as well as the good outcomes.