Legal  Terminology 

Legislative process.

What is negotiate freezing period?

      When the review of a bill reaches a deadlock, a one-month "negotiation freezing period" begins, suspending the agenda of the bill in the chamber, and representatives from each party group are sent to communicate and discuss, with a view to reaching consensus with higher efficiency. The freezing period is not about doing nothing, but a way of communicating to break through the current situation.

What is "Proceed directly for the Second Reading"

     After it is signed or seconded by more than 20 legislators and passed by vote, the bill directly enters the second reading process without further review by the committee.

What is veto, seconded, administrative review, reconsideration

     When the Executive Yuan feels that a bill passed by the Legislative Yuan is obstructive, it can ask the Legislative Yuan to decide again whether to uphold the original bill after approval by the President. The Executive Yuan needs to decide whether to submit the bill within 10 days after receiving it, and the Legislative Yuan must complete the vote within 15 days after receiving it. If the vote does not pass, the representative maintains the original resolution; if it passes, the representative the original resolution becomes invalid.

     Veto means that the Executive Yuan asks the Legislative Yuan to vote on the bill again.

     Seconded means that someone puts forward a proposal during the meeting. This proposal must be supported and signed by at least one person at the meeting. The chairman will ask if anyone seconded the proposal. If no one seconded the proposal, the proposal will be seconded. It cannot be put into the meeting for voting.

     Seconded means that "I support your proposal. "

     Administrative review is a remedy when the people or private units deem the handling of the state administrative agencies inappropriate and request the administrative units to reconsider the decision. If the result is the same, you can appeal. Taiwanese use administrative review less and more appeals and appeals.

     Administrative review is a relief act in which the administrative unit is asked to make another decision.

     Reconsideration is when the Legislative Yuan considers that a passed bill is erroneous or inappropriate. It is allowed that under certain conditions, the Legislative Yuan can propose a reconsideration during the same session.

     Reconsideration is the re-examination of a controversial passed motion.

What is proportionality?

Fine in criminal law vs. Fine in administrative law?

What are the methods of voting in the Legislative Yuan?