Take Action

Take Action for Campus Health and Safety

Use Your Voice

Tell OU Power Brokers that we need vaccine and mask mandates for uninterrupted, in-person classes!

  • Call the Board of Regents: (405) 325-4122
  • Call the Office of the President: (405) 325-3916
  • Email the Board of Regents:
    • Chris A. Purcell, Ph.D. Vice President for University Governance regentspurcell@ou.edu
    • Frank Keating - regentkeating@ou.edu
    • Mike Cawley- regentcawley@ou.edu
    • Phil Albert- regentalbert@ou.edu
    • Natalie Shirley - regentshirley@ou.edu
    • Eric Stevenson – regentstevenson@ou.edu
    • Anita Holloway – regentholloway@ou.edu
    • Rick Nagelregentnagel@ou.edu
  • Email OU President Joseph Harroz ouharroz@ou.edu and Presidentsoffice@ou.edu

You have a right to a safe learning environment with equal access for all. File a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights for the Department of Education, which protects the rights of students and professors and staff who are protecting the rights of students.