September 20-21, 2021

OU Days of Action

Calling for action against COVID on Campus, events at OU Norman Campus and Regents Meeting at HSC

Two days of public pressure and advocacy calling for common-sense COVID-19 policy from the University of Oklahoma

Monday, 9/20Community Walkout
2:30 PM - Board of Regents Meeting
ttend the OU Board of Regents Meeting at OUHSC. Details here.
Tuesday 9/21
Community Walkout

12:00 PM RallyMeet in front of Evans Hall to rally for public health.

OU is currently experiencing its 6th semester of the COVID-19 pandemic, yet decision-makers refuse to make common-sense policies to protect our community. The cost of inaction is too great. Our leaders must step up!

Anyone can participate in Days of Action to demand action for public health and safety!

Here are some ways you can show your support:

  • Pledge to walk out on OU activities on Monday, September 20 and Tuesday, September 21 by RSVPing to this event. This can mean:

    • Cancelling your classes if you teach.

    • Staying home from classes if you are a student. Here is an email template you can use to inform your professors.

    • Excusing and/or Approving Student and Employee Absences if you are a supervisor.

    • Taking the day off.

    • Moving your classes online.

  • Dedicate your class periods on Sept. 20 and 21 to a Teach-in Session on worker and student health and safety, shared governance, and academic freedom at OU. See our curriculum here.

  • Write a letter to the Regents demanding they take action for public health and safety. Contact information can be found here.

  • Share support for Days of Action and our demands on social media using the #OUCovidWalkout. Check out a template here.

  • Attend the Board of Regents Meeting on Monday, 9/20 at 2:30 PM

  • Attend the rally on Tuesday, 9/21 at noon in front of Evans Hall