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Volleyball Study Guide:

Volleyball Study Guide

Basic Rules:

• 6 players per team

• Teams rally back and forth in attempts to earn a point.

• Your team tries to “place” the ball on the opposing court in a spot that is difficult to return.

• Points are scored on each rally by the team that wins the rally.

• Players rotate throughout game play.


• Teams play a match, which consists of 3 games.

• To win that match, your team must win 2 of the 3 games.

• To win a game, it is the first team to reach 25 points and win by 2 points.

• Points are scored on each rally when a fault is made by either team.

• If the serving team commits the fault, they lose the serve. (side out)


---------------------- NET -----------------------



(server) –

· When playing in the front row, players need to be especially good at setting, blocking, and spiking.

· When playing in the back row, players need to receive serves, pass the ball to front row players and sometimes set the ball for a teammate.

Game Play:

• The ball is put into play by a serve. Overhand serves are the most difficult to return, making them a popular choice.

• Only one service attempt is allowed (Note: the serve can hit the net as long as it goes over).

• The typical pattern of play is PASS-SET-SPIKE

• Rotation occurs just after a side out, and players rotate clockwise

• Players may NOT touch the net.

• If the ball lands on any of the boundary lines, it is considered in bounds. (Lines are part of the court.)

• The ball may not be hit more than three times on one side before going over.

• A player cannot hit the ball twice in succession.


Block - An attempt by any of the front row players to stop an attacked/spiked ball

Bump - A two-armed forearm pass. Used to pass the ball to a teammate, while maintaining control.

Center Line - The line directly under the net that separates the two halves of the court.

Rally - When the teams are hitting the ball back and forth across the net continuously.

Rotation - Occurs after a side out and the receiving team earns the serve. Players rotate clockwise.

Set - The ball is contacted with the pads of the fingers and pushed upwards to “set” up a teammate.

Side Out - Occurs when the serving team commits a fault. Service goes to the opponent as well as a point.

Spike - Generally hit after a ball is set. A very hard downward hit that is extremely difficult to return.

Rules To Know

1. Basic pattern of play is: PASS – SET – SPIKE

2. A pass is also known as a BUMP

3. SIDE OUT occurs when either the serving or receiving team commits a fault. (Serving team would lose the serve.)

4. When one team commits a fault, it results in a point for the other team.

5. Serves must be received with a pass.

6. Call out the score before you serve (example: 6 serving 8).

7. Your team ROTATES when you get the ball back for service OR when one player has served 5 times in a row

8. Rotate in a CLOCKWISE direction.


1. Your team lets the ball drop within the court lines.

2. The ball is hit out of bounds.

3. The ball is hit more that THREE times before it goes over.

4. A player hits the ball more than once in a row.

5. If a player touches the net or standards, or if a player reaches under the net

6. A player crosses the center line

7. Out of position at service


If the ball hits the net but goes over, it is a live ball. * If the ball hits the ceiling, it is a live ball. Finish the play * Call it if you can get it. Work together as a TEAM!