
Bowling Study Guide:


Here are the basics :

1. The number of pins knocked down by a player’s first roll is marked outside of the small square in the upper right hand corner of the score sheet (under the number “1”).

*If all the pins are knocked down on the first roll, it is called a “strike” and is marked with an “X” in the small box in the right corner of the score sheet

2. The number of pins knocked down by a player’s second roll is marked inside the

small box in the right corner of the score sheet.

*If zero pins are knocked down, mark with an “-“.

*If all the remaining pins are knocked down, it is called a “spare” and is marked

with a “/”.

3. If a player did NOT roll a strike or a spare, the total number of pins is added for the

frame and added to the previous frame for a new total.

4. If a player rolls a SPARE, (s)he scores 10 points PLUS the number of pins knocked down on the player’s next roll*. *Which means if it is the 10th frame, the player bowls 1 extra ball to complete the game.

5. If a player rolls a STRIKE, (s)he scores 10 points PLUS the number of pins knocked down on the player’s next TWO* rolls (the next frame). *Which means if it is the 10thframe, the player bowls 2 extra balls to complete the game.

DON’T PANIC! This sounds very confusing, but we will practice together and you will practice scoring during every bowling class. Be sure to ASK QUESTIONS if you are having trouble!


Strike- (X) All the pins knocked down on first ball

Spare - (/) All pins knocked down on first and second ball combined

Error “-“ A sign used when recording the score which means the bowler missed remaining pins on the second ball

Split - 8 After the first - two or more pins remain standing, however, they are not grouped Together and one of the remaining pins is not the head pin

Foul- F When a part of the bowler person goes beyond the foul line. No score is allowed.

Turkey -XXX When a bowler has three strikes in a row

Gutter Ball A ball when rolled does not stay on the lane and falls into the gutter.

10th Frame If a bowler gets a strike in the 10th frame they receive two extra balls. If they get spare in the 10th frame the bowler receives one extra ball.


1. When two bowlers approach the line at the same time, the bowler on the right should roll first

2. When a bowler is ready to roll, do not distract them in any way

3. Don’t take practice swings on the approach and don’t step onto the approach until it is your turn

4. When it is your turn be ready to bowl

5. Don’t use another bowler’s ball without permission

6. Keep your “cool”

7. Observe the foul line