OSO - CommitteeS 

Parent cooperation is what makes our school a community. Thank you so much for participating in our school committees! If you would like to get in touch with a committee chair, please use the e-mail listed below. 😊

Family Activities Committee - OSO Board - oswegatchieschoolorg@gmail.com

Hospitality and Staff Appreciation -  Chair Needed!   

5th Grade Promotion Committee - Connie Herod & Kim Welcome (co-chairs) - WHSClassof2031@gmail.com. 

                                                                  5th Grade Promotion Facebook page: (7) OSW 5th Grade Promotion Class of 2031 | Facebook 

Gardening Committee - Deb Moshier-Dunn 

Book Fair - Doris Crum - dorisacrum@gmail.com 

Laps with Lance - Rhonda Moore & Mattie Tamosaitis - Oswegatchieschoolorg@gmail.com

For Committee Chairs

Chairperson Toolkit: Please use the following chairperson toolkit to help you get started with your committee. (It will prompt you to make a copy so you can use this as working document.)


Budget Template (It will prompt you to make a copy so you can use this as working document.)

Reimbursement Form (Printable) 

Deposit Form (Printable)Â