We are looking for highly motivated postdocs, technicians and students. Please email Alexey as indicated below if you are interested in joining the lab. 

Photo credit: P. Hanley and J. Partida

Postdoctoral fellow. We seek postdoctoral research associates interested in studying the plasticity of inhibitory synapses and circuits in substance use disorders and depression. The project will combine slice and in vivo neurophysiology with genetic, molecular and behavioral approaches. No prior electrophysiology experience is required, but candidate must have a strong desire to learn new techniques. Applicants should submit their CV, career goals and contacts for 2 references to Dr. Ostroumov (ao711@georgetown.edu). 

Graduate students. Please inquire about opportunities for research rotations. Our lab provides an excellent opportunity to learn a wide array of skills including in vitro electrophysiology, behavioral neuroscience, and viral-genetic techniques to label and manipulate neural circuits. Graduate students can join the Ostroumov lab through the Ph.D. in Pharmacology program or through the Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience at Georgetown.


Undergraduate students. Undergraduate students will have a terrific opportunity to learn and do neuroscience research by working on a day-to-day basis with senior members of the lab. However, given the duration and complexity of our experiments, working in the lab requires a heavy commitment from every member of the team. Therefore, we only consider highly motivated students that are willing to commit at least 2 semesters and devote a minimum of 10 hours per week. Interested students can apply by sending an email to Dr. Ostroumov.