Cotton Swabs

Our cotton swabs are highly sorbent, 100% cotton fiber, excellent for cleaning very small grooved, slotted and recessed areas. A compact handle provides support and control. These swabs are well suited for cleaning thin, grooved areas of equipment parts.

Foam Swabs

Foam Swab is an excellent swab for cleaning surfaces. The head material construction, which is completely thermally bonded makes it adhesive-free. Since this swab is processed in cleanroom, it is generally cleaner having low levels of contamination (Ionics and NVR).

Polyester Swabs

Polyester Swabs are excellent swabs for cleaning surfaces. The head material construction, which is completely thermally bonded makes it adhesive-free. Since this swab is laundered, it is generally cleaner than cotton swabs. This makes this swab recommended for surface sampling and cleaning-validation work making sure it does not add contamination to the sampled specimens.