O Negoslavcima
About Negoslavci

Negoslavci općina koju čini istoimeno selo koje se nalazi na istoku Hrvatske, u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj županiji. Geografski je smješteno u Srijemu, na obroncima Fruške gore, na nadmorskoj visini od 112 metara (tzv. Piramida). Južni dio atara, a dijelom i zapadni, ispresijecani su mnogim izvorima vode i ritovima.

Negoslavci is a municipality consisting of the same name village located in the east of Croatia, in Vukovar-Syrmia County. It is geographically located in Syrmia, on the slopes of Fruška Gora mountain, at an altitude of 112 meters (the so-called Piramida spot). The southern part and partly the western part of village isare intersected by many water sources and swamps.

Nalazi se na državnoj cesti D57 koja u pravcu sjevera vodi do 8 km udaljenog Vukovara, dok prema jugu vodi do Orolika, gdje se spaja s državnom cestom D46 kojom se dolazi do 24 km udaljenih Vinkovaca zapadno ili 16 km udaljene državne granice s Republikom Srbijom istočno, a preko koje ima i vezu s autocestom A3 Zagreb-Lipovac. Još nedovršenom županijskom cestom ŽC 4150 Iz Negoslavaca se može doći do susjednih sela Petrovaca na zapadu i Sotina na istoku.

It is located on the state road D57, which in the north direction leads to 8 km away Vukovar, while to the south that road leads to Orolik, where it joins the state road D46, which leads to Vinkovci, 24 km to the west, or the state border with the Republic of Serbia, 16 km to the east, and through which there is also a connection with the A3 Zagreb-Lipovac highway. The still unfinished county road ŽC 4150 leads from Negoslavci to the neighboring villages of Petrovci to the west and Sotin to the east.

Negoslavci prema posljednjem popisu stanovništva iz 2021. godine broje 983 stanovnika, što je prvi put da je broj stanovnika pao ispod 1000. Apsolutnu većinu stanovništva čine Srbi (96,85 %) pa je na teritoriju Općine u službenoj uporabi, pored hrvatskog i srpski jezik i ćirilično pismo. Negoslavci se svrstavaju u male općine, budući da je njezina površina svega 21,21 km2.

According to the latest population census from 2021, the population of Negoslavci is 983, which is the first time that the number of inhabitants fell below 1000. The absolute majority of the population is made up of Serbs (96.85%), so in the territory of the municipality, in addition to Croatian, Serbian is also the official language. Negoslavci is classified as a small municipality, since its area is only 21.21 km2.

Naselje Negoslavci se spominje još u 15. stoljeću, a u literaturi je zabilježeno i pod nazivom Nikoslavci. No, o životu na ovom prostoru u doba Rimskog carstva svjedoče i brojni nalazi, među kojima je jedan od najznačajnijih rimska vojna diploma. Još od odlaska Turaka s ovih prostora u Negoslavcima se bilježi srpsko stanovništvo, a po svršetku Drugog svjetskoga rata selo, kao i obližnja mjesta, biva dodatno naseljeno stanovništvom s područja Bosne i Hercegovine. 

The settlement of Negoslavci was mentioned as early as the 15th century, and it was also recorded in the literature under the name Nikoslavci. However, the life in this area during the time of the Roman Empire is also evidenced by numerous findings one of the most significant of which is a Roman military diploma. Since the departure of the Turks from this area, the Serbian population has been recorded in Negoslavci, and after the end of the Second World War, the village, as well as the nearby towns and villages, was additionally inhabited by the population from Bosnia and Herzegovina.