Dejana Okovački i Zorana Vukašinović - dnevnik mobilnosti
Dejana Okovački and Zorana Vukašinvić - mobility diary

17. 6. 2023. 

Kasno poslijepodne pošli smo ka Budimpešti. Sutra prije podne kratki predah i smještaj, a potom krećemo radno. 


Late in the afternoon we left for Budapest. Tomorrow before noon, a short break and accommodation, and then we start to work.

18. 6. 2023. 

Nakon dolaska u Budimpeštu uslijedila je prva aktivnost u sklopu naše mobilnosti. Plan za prvi dan bio je da se s voditeljicom treninga nađemo ispred hotele K+K hotel Opera gdje će se naš tečaj i održavati. Uslijedila je večera dobrodošlice za sve sudionike i dogovor oko aktivnost koje nam slijede narednoga dana.


After arriving in Budapest, the first activity as part of our mobility followed. The plan for the first day was to meet with the training leader in front of the K+K Hotel Opera, where our course will be held. This was followed by a welcome dinner for all participants and an agreement about the activities that follow us the next day.

19. 6. 2023. 

U jutarnjim satima započeli smo s tečajem. Nakon uvodne aktivnosti pomoću koje smo se bolje upoznali i malo opustili započeli smo s prvim predavanjem. Voditeljica treninga napravila je uvodno predavanje na temu kako biti učitelj 21. stoljeća te smo čuli nešto o digitalnim alatima koje je koristila u svom predavanju (Mentimeter i Prezi). Nakon njezinog predavanja uslijedilo je predstavljanje sudionika. Svi smo imali priliku reći nešto o školi iz koje dolazimo te nešto o našem školskom sustavu. Uslijedila je pauza za ručak te smo se u 15 sati okupili za prvi turistički obilazak grada. Vidjeli smo Parlament, spomenik Cipele na Dunavu i Lančani most.


We started the course in the morning. After the introductory activity, through which we got to know each other better and relaxed a little, we started with the first lecture. The leader of the training gave an introductory lecture on how to become a 21st century teacher, and we heard something about the digital tools she used in her lecture (Mentimeter and Prezi). Her lecture was followed by the presentation of the participants. We all had the opportunity to say something about the school we come from and something about our school system. There was a break for lunch, and at 3 pm we gathered for the first tourist tour of the city. We saw the Parliament, the Shoes on the Danube monument and the Chain Bridge.

20. 6. 2023. 

Treći dan tečaja započeli smo igrajući bingo upoznavanja. Igra je bila zabavna te smo se svi opustili. Uslijedilo je uvodno predavanje kroz koje smo se bolje upoznali s digitalnim alatima Plickers i Kahoot. U nastavku smo samostalno izrađivali prezentacije u alatu Prezi i kartice u alatu Plickers. Kao završnu aktivnost smo odigrali jedan Kahoot kviz. U pauzi za kavu predstavnici Francuske i Njemačke počastili su nas svojim tradicionalnim slatkišima. Ostatak dana smo imali slobodno vrijeme koje smo iskoristile za istraživanje znamenitosti Budimpešte. 


We started the third day of the course by playing dating bingo. The game was fun and we all relaxed. This was followed by an introductory lecture through which we became better acquainted with the digital tools Plickers and Kahoot. In the following, we independently created presentations in the Prezi tool and cards in the Plickers tool. As a final activity, we played a Kahoot quiz. During the coffee break, the representatives of France and Germany treated us to their traditional sweets. We had free time for the rest of the day, which we used to explore the sights of Budapest.

21. 6. 2023. 

Četvrti dan smo saznali nešto više o digitalnim alatima Padlet, Liveworksheet Wordwall, Quizizz, Baamboozle. Neki od alata su nam poznati, a s nekima smo se susreli prvi put. Nakon kratkog predstavljanja alata, imali smo priliku sami izrađivati kviz u alatu Quizizz. U pauzi za kavu ovaj put smo mi predstavile Hrvatsku tako što smo sudionike ponudile slatkišima koje smo donijeli od kuće. Poslije podne smo išli u obilazak velike gradske tržnice Great Market Hall i na vožnju Dunavom.


On the fourth day, we learned a little more about the digital tools Padlet, Liveworksheet, Wordwall, Quizizz, Baamboozle. Some of the tools were already familiar to us, and some we met for the first time. After a short presentation of the tool, we had the opportunity to create a quiz ourselves in the Quizizz tool. During the coffee break was our turn to present Croatia by offering sweets we brought from home to the participants. In the afternoon, we went on a tour of the Great Market Hall and a ride on the Danube.

22. 6. 2023. 

Današnje predavanje bilo je posvećeno digitalnom alatu Canva te smo svi imali priliku praviti svoje postere u novome alatu. U pauzi za kavu sudionici s Kanarskih otoka i Španjolske predstavili su svoju zemlju vinom, slatkišima i različitim delicijama. Nastavak predavanja bio je posvećen Futur classroom lab projektu te smo nakon predavanja imali kratku raspravu na tu temu. Ostatak dana proveli smo u obilasku grada i kupanju u jednoj od poznatijih banja u Budimpešti Gellert thermal bath.


Today's lecture was dedicated to the digital tool Canva, and we all had the opportunity to make our own posters in the new tool. During the coffee break, participants from the Canary Islands and Spain presented their country with wine, sweets and various delicacies. The continuation of the lecture was dedicated to the Future classroom lab project, and after the lecture we had a short discussion on that topic. We spent the rest of the day touring the city and bathing in one of the more famous spas in Budapest, the Gellert thermal bath.

23. 6. 2023. 

Na današnjem predavanju saznali smo nešto više o digitalnom alatu Quizlet. Razgovarali smo još o različitim vrstama inteligencije te smo se dotakli umjetne inteligencije. Nakon pauze svi smo imali priliku predstaviti se različitim prezentacijama kojima smo pokazali kako smo proveli protekle dane u Budimpešti. Ostatak dana bio je namijenjen za obilazak Budimskog dvorca, ali zbog iznimno visoke temperature dobili smo slobodno poslijepodne koje smo iskoristili za šetnju gradom.


In today's lecture, we learned a little more about the digital tool Quizlet. We also talked about different types of intelligence and only slightly touched on an artificial intelligence. After the break, we all had the opportunity to introduce ourselves with different presentations showing how we spent the past few days in Budapest. The rest of the day was intended for a tour of the Buda Castle, but due to the extremely high temperature, we got a free afternoon, which we used to walk around the city.

24. 6. 2023. 

S današnjim danom zvanično je završio naš strukturirani tečaj Kako postati učitelj XXI. stoljeća - Najbolje aplikacije za učitelje budućnosti. Svi sudionici su dobili certifikate. Dodjelu certifikata kolege iz Francuske upotpunili su glazbom. Uradili smo i evaluaciju cjelokupnog tečaja u digitalnom alatu Padlet. Nakon rastanka s kolegicama i kolegama i ručka otišle smo se pakirati i pripremiti na rastanak s ovim predivnim gradom. 


Our structured course How to Become a 21st Century Teacher - Best Apps for Future Teachers officially ended today. century. All participants received certificates. The awarding of certificates was completed by colleagues from France with music. We also evaluated the entire course in the digital tool Padlet. After saying goodbye to our colleagues and having lunch, we went to pack and prepare to leave this beautiful city.

25. 6. 2023. 

Svemu dođe kraj, pa je tako došao i kraj našem druženju s Budimpeštom. Prepuni uzbuđenja, iskustava s tečaja i užitaka boravkom u ovom velegradu, vraćamo se konačno doma. 


Everything comes to an end, so our time in Budapest also came to an end. Full of excitement, experiences from the course and pleasures from staying in this great city, we finally return home.