0900-0905 Welcome and Housekeeping (Georgina)

0905-0930 OSCE Basics and Know your Domains (Seira)

0930-1000 LIPSED Exercise (Seira)

1000-1030 “What 5 words” Exercise (Seira)

1030-1040 BREAK

1040-1200 Station by Station workshop PART ONE

1040-1100 SCBD (Seira)

1100-1120 Examination (Georgina)

1120-1140 History taking (Seira) 

1140-1200 Communication (Georgina)

1200-1220 LUNCH

1220-1300 Station by Station workshop PART TWO

1220-1240 Procedures (Juliana)

1240-1300 Teaching (Dervla) 

1300-1400 Mini Trial in Groups

15 min stations (3min reading, 7min talking, 5min feedback) x 3-4 stations

Priority given to rural/regional candidates

Others will observe 


1405-1430 Q&A Session (For those who want to stay back)