Stabilization Grant

When Can You Expect Your Third Grant Payment?

The extended duration of the Grant is nine months. You must sign your updated grant amendment agreement within 30 days of the date you received it. A third and final payment will be made no later than the seventh month from the start date of the Grant.

When Do I need to Spend All of My Grant Funds?

By the end of your grant expiration date which is found on the first page of your grant agreement. If you amended your grant to receive the third payment, you have a new grant expiration date. This new date is when you will need to spend all of your grant funds.

Will There be a Third Payment?

There are left over funds from the first two disbursements of the Stabilization Grant at this time providers could receive a third payment up to 25% of the original grant allotment. 

You will receive an email from DocuSign with your amendment agreement. You can Accept the third installment and your grant will be extended for three more months or you can Decline and your grant will expire on the original expiration date. Check your email for more information!

I Haven't Received My Amendment Agreement Yet.

The amended grant agreements went out on a rolling basis. Programs with grant agreement start dates in November got their’s now, while programs with start dates in December will get their’s by April 8th, 2022. All these programs have grant agreement start dates in December.

I Received Two Grant Amendment Agreements.

On April 4, 2022, Early Learning Division inadvertently sent out duplicate emails from DocuSign inviting you to sign the Amendment to your Agreement for Child Care Stabilization Grant.

What are we doing to correct this issue?

We have voided duplicate agreements within 3 hours of sending them out.

What should you do?

Please ignore DocuSign email notifying you about voiding your duplicate agreement. If for some reason you are unable to sign your agreement amendment, please let us know and we will re-issue it.

We apologize for multiple emails and any confusion it might have caused.

If you have any questions, please contact us by phone 971-707-2029 or email

When Can You Expect to Receive Your Second Check? 

Grants ending April 30, 2022, will receive a second payment by the end of February

Grants ending May 31, 2022, will receive a second payment by the end of March

Grants ending June 30, 2022, will receive a second payment by the end of April

What is the Stabilization Grant?

The Oregon Department of Education’s Early Learning Division (ELD) is providing this funding opportunity to address the financial hardship faced by child cares during and after the public health emergency and the instability of the child care market as a whole.

How much are the Grants?

ELD has approximately $224 million from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to be paid directly to eligible child cares. 100% of the funding for this opportunity will be paid with federal money.

ELD anticipates awarding Grant Agreements (each a “Grant”) from this funding opportunity to eligible child cares. The term of each Grant is anticipated to be at least 6 months, with an option to include COVID-19 costs incurred between January 31, 2020 and the end of the Grant. ELD may offer to renew or extend the Grant at ELD’s discretion. Under current law, these funds must be obligated by September 30, 2022.

Estimated Grant amounts are shown below and are based on providing full-time care (more than 30 hours per week). Child cares that provide part-time care are eligible for 75% of the estimated total Grant amount. This funding may be subject to tax. Please consult your tax authority if you have questions.

How to Apply (closed as of 12.31.21)

This funding opportunity, including all attachments and updates, is published on the ELD website at Applicants are responsible for checking the for updates.

Applicants must complete and submit an online application at by December 31, 2021, 5 p.m. Pacific Time to be considered for a Grant.

Submitted applications will be reviewed by ELD weekly during the open application period. ELD will notify all applicants of their application status in writing. ELD will contact applicants if additional information is needed. ELD may reject any or all applications in whole or in part, or may cancel this funding opportunity at any time, when the rejection or cancellation is in the best interest of the State of Oregon or ELD, as determined by ELD.

If approved, applicants will be offered a Grant for signature. This will be sent via email using DocuSign. Grants must be signed within 30 days of receipt.

ELD reserves the right to reduce the amount of Grant Funds for any reason, including but not limited to if an Applicant’s license capacity is modified during the term of the Grant.

What are the requirements?

If selected for a Grant, the applicant must provide their Taxpayer Identification Number and backup withholding status on a completed W-9 form. ELD will not disburse any Grant Funds without a properly completed W-9.

The Grant will include state and federal terms and conditions, including, but not limited to the following requirements. If awarded a Grant, applicants will be required to:

Grant Funds may only be used for costs related to COVID-19, including but not limited to:

Grant Funds may be used for the above-described costs incurred between January 31, 2020 and the end of the Grant. Grant Funds may not be used for the purchase of land, construction of new facilities, or major renovations to any building or facility. A sample Grant can be reviewed on the ELD website.

What is the payment process?

Grant Funds will be disbursed in two equal payments. Payment 1 – 50% of the total Grant Funds in the first month of the Grant and Payment 2 – 50% of the total Grant Funds in the fourth month of the Grant. Use of the Grant Funds is subject to audit. Be sure to keep accurate and complete accounting records. If Grant Funds are not spent for Allowable Expenses, or are otherwise misused, you may be required to pay those funds back.

Do you have questions?

All questions regarding this funding opportunity must be directed to or 971-707-2029 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday). Frequently asked questions will be published on the ELD website.

Note: Information about the Stabilization Grant was copied from the COVID-19 Child Care Stabilization Grant Funding Opportunity Guide found on the Oregon Department of Education's Early Learning Division website

Who is part of the Stabilization Grant Team?

Quality Care Connections subcontracted with three local providers to be the support for the grant application process, provide trainings, and to connect local providers with community partnerships. You can meet your grant team by visit the Meet Your Team tab on our website. We look forward to support providers through the grant process.