Budget Guide Spending Categories

Personnel Costs

Allowable expenses for Personnel costs, including payroll and salaries or similar compensation for an employee (including any sole proprietor or independent contractor), and benefits.  Personnel Costs does not include volunteers. 

20% of your total grant funds are to be spent on increasing compensation of the child care staff (including self).

Benefits: insurance (health, dental or vision), retirement contributions, paid time off, or to attend professional development trainings. 

Premium Pay: wages received above the regular wages.

Staff Bonuses

Vaccine-related costs: paid time off, and/or transportation to vaccine appointments.

Rent, Utilities, Facilities, Maintenance, and Insurance

Allowable expenses for Rent, Utilities, Facilities, Maintenance, and Insurance building or upgrading playgrounds; renovating bathrooms; improvements to meet license requirements; installing railing, ramps; or automatic doors to make the facility more accessible; or removing non-load bearing walls to create additional space for social distancing.

Payments: mortgage, rent, and late fees.

Insurance: homeowners or general business liability.

Utilities: gas, energy, internet, phone, water or sewage.

Maintenance: this is related to any changes made due to COVID-19 health and safety compliance.

Personal Protective Equipment, Cleaning, and Other Health & Safety Practices

Allowable expenses for Personal protective equipment, cleaning and sanitization supplies and services, and training and professional development related to health and safety practices.

Supplies: sanitizing wipes, bleach, soap, mops, spray bottles and other cleaning supplies.

Personal Protective Equipment: face shields, masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer.

Training: for your or staff around cleaning and disinfecting practices.

Cleaning Services: cleaning companies or janitors.

Equipment and Supplies

Allowable expenses for Purchases or updates to equipment and supplies to respond to COVID–19

Software: accounting, payroll, to track and report public health.

Equipment: supplies used to monitor health, like thermometers.

Electronics: computers, smart phones, and/or tablets to communicate with staff and families remotely.

Goods and Services

Allowable expenses for Goods and services necessary to maintain or  resume child care services including, but not limited to, child care management services, food services, and transportation

Meals: food, snack, drinks, dishes, bottles, bibs, cups, and utensils. 

Toileting: diapers, wipes, toilet paper, training diapers.

Materials: toys and games for inside and/or outside, and crafts.

Sleeping: cribs, mattresses, sheets, cots, pillows, and blankets.

Library: books and workbooks

Licensing: fees or expenses related to maintaining a valid license to operate child care. 

Mental Health Services 

Allowable expenses for Mental health supports for children and employees.

Mental Health Consultations: for infant, early childhood, you or your employees. 

Mental Health Apps: Calm, Headspace, MyLife, The Smiling Mind, Dreamykid, Insight Timer, Sleep Cycle, Pzizz, Breathe, Colorfly, 7 Minute Workout, Evernote, Kitche, FamilyWall, Mind, and so many more.

Past Expenses

Anything listed above in the budget guide spending categories can be covered as long as the cost was incurred on or after January 31st, 2020.