Emotional labour is form of emotional regulation in which workers are expected to display certain emotions as part of their job, and to promote organizational goals. The intended effects of these emotional displays are on other, targeted people, who can be clients, customers, subordinates or co-workers. What happens sometimes is emotional dissonance (showing one emotion while experiencing another), it is often a difference between felt emotion and displayed emotion (displayed emotions/regulations are organisationally required and claimed as appropriate in a particular job).

Behavioural change involves taking steps to encourage people to be more effective by shaping or modifying the ways in which they carry out their work. Organizations depend on people behaving in ways that will contribute to high performance and support core values. They must recognize that people at work often have discretion on the way they do their work and the amount of effort, care, innovation and productive behaviour they display.

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Power is easy to feel but difficult to define. It is the potential ability of a person or group to influence another person or group. It is the ability to get things done the way one wants them to be done. Both formal and informal groups and individuals may have power; it does not need an official position or the backing of an institution to have power.At a broad level, power can be interpreted in terms of control or influence over the behaviour of other people with or without their consent.

Goals and structure are intimately related to each other. The relationship among people in the form of authority and responsibility or the positions to be created at different levels has to be decided on the basis of organisational goals. In other words, what the organisation proposes to do will be determined by the organisational setup it will structure. Similarly, it will be the structure also which will influence the goals.

Most managers adopt an approach somewhere between the extremes. Some will vary it according to the situation or their feelings at the time, others will stick to the same style whatever happens. A good case can be made for using an appropriate style according to the situation, but it is undesirable to be inconsistent in the style used in similar situations. Every manager has his or her own style but this will be influenced by the organizational culture, which may produce a prevailing management style that represents the behavioural norm for managers that is generally expected and adopted.

For this course I was really excited so I spent about 7 hours sitting at my desk going over the material in the book and taking notes the first day. What's wonderful is that the supplemental videos from the instructor let you know exactly what modules, units, chapters etc. you should be focusing most of your energy on. For this it's chapter 9,10,12, and 16 which is like... everything excluding two chapters. So for the first day I studied chapter 5 (LOL) which is all about personality and not terribly reflected on the exam maybe a question or two. I also studied chapter 9 and 10. The second day I studied 12 and 16 and skipped the last chap which was 13 (Performance Evaluation) I also did a few of the chapter quizzes and watched the cohort videos as well.

Download Organisational Behaviour Notes for MBA, BBA, BCOM 2023. We provide complete organisational behaviour pdf. Organisational behaviour study notes include organisational behaviour notes, organisational behaviour book, courses, case study, organisational behaviour syllabus, organizational behaviour question paper, MCQ, questions and answers and available in organisational behaviour pdf form.

A detailed organisational behaviour syllabus as prescribed by various Universities and colleges in India are as under. You can download the syllabus in organisational behaviour pdf form.

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In the above article, a student can download organisational behaviour notes. Organisational Behaviour study material includes organisational behaviour notes, organisational behaviour books, organisational behaviour syllabus, organisational behaviour question paper, organisational behaviour case study, organisational behaviour questions and answers, organisational behaviour courses in organisational behaviour pdf form.

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In 2019, 301 million people were living with an anxiety disorder including 58 million children and adolescents (1). Anxiety disorders are characterised by excessive fear and worry and related behavioural disturbances. Symptoms are severe enough\r\n to result in significant distress or significant impairment in functioning. There are several different kinds of anxiety disorders, such as: generalised anxiety disorder (characterised by excessive worry), panic disorder (characterised by panic attacks),\r\n social anxiety disorder (characterised by excessive fear and worry in social situations), separation anxiety disorder (characterised by excessive fear or anxiety about separation from those individuals to whom the person has a deep emotional bond),\r\n and others. Effective psychological treatment exists, and depending on the age and severity, medication may also be considered.

In 2019, 40 million people experienced bipolar disorder (1). People with bipolar disorder experience alternating depressive episodes with periods of manic symptoms. During a depressive episode, the person experiences depressed mood (feeling\r\n sad, irritable, empty) or a loss of pleasure or interest in activities, for most of the day, nearly every day. Manic symptoms may include euphoria or irritability, increased activity or energy, and other symptoms such as increased talkativeness,\r\n racing thoughts, increased self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, distractibility, and impulsive reckless behaviour. People with bipolar disorder are at an increased risk of suicide. Yet effective treatment options exist including psychoeducation,\r\n reduction of stress and strengthening of social functioning, and medication.

Schizophrenia affects approximately 24 million people or 1 in 300 people worldwide (1). People with schizophrenia have a life expectancy 10-20 years below that of the general population (4). Schizophrenia is characterised by significant\r\n impairments in perception and changes in behaviour. Symptoms may include persistent delusions, hallucinations, disorganised thinking, highly disorganised behaviour, or extreme agitation. People with schizophrenia may experience persistent\r\n difficulties with their cognitive functioning. Yet, a range of effective treatment options exist, including medication, psychoeducation, family interventions, and psychosocial rehabilitation. 

In 2019, 14 million people experienced eating disorders including almost 3 million children and adolescents (1). Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, involve abnormal eating and preoccupation with food as well as prominent body\r\n weight and shape concerns. The symptoms or behaviours result in significant risk or damage to health, significant distress, or significant impairment of functioning. Anorexia nervosa often has its onset during adolescence or early adulthood and is\r\n associated with premature death due to medical complications or suicide. Individuals with bulimia nervosa are at a significantly increased risk for substance use, suicidality, and health complications. Effective treatment options exist, including\r\n family-based treatment and cognitive-based therapy.

40 million people, including children and adolescents, were living with conduct-dissocial disorder in 2019 (1). This disorder, also known as conduct disorder, is one of two disruptive behaviour and dissocial disorders, the other is oppositional defiant\r\n disorder. Disruptive behaviour and dissocial disorders are characterised by persistent behaviour problems such as persistently defiant or disobedient to behaviours that persistently violate the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate\r\n societal norms, rules, or laws. Onset of disruptive and dissocial disorders, is commonly, though not always, during childhood. Effective psychological treatments exist, often involving parents, caregivers, and teachers, cognitive problem-solving or\r\n social skills training.

Neurodevelopmental disorders are behavioural and cognitive disorders, that? arise during the developmental period, and involve significant difficulties in the acquisition and execution of specific intellectual, motor, language, or social functions.

Neurodevelopmental disorders include disorders of intellectual development, autism spectrum disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) amongst others. ADHD is characterised by a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity\r\n that has a direct negative impact on academic, occupational, or social functioning. Disorders of intellectual development are characterised by significant limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviour, which refers to difficulties\r\n with everyday conceptual, social, and practical skills that are performed in daily life. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) constitutes a diverse group of conditions characterised by some degree of difficulty with social communication\r\n and reciprocal social interaction, as well as persistent restricted, repetitive, and inflexible patterns of behaviour, interests, or activities.


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