IB PYP Enhancements

(From What is an IB Education, 2017)

Reflective Threads

  1. how will my response to the enhanced PYP framework and the revised programme standards and practices shape the perspective of PYP educators and schools I support as an IB educator?
  2. what are the implications for moving to a different model of workshop design and facilitation?
  3. how can I further cultivate agency (voice, choice and ownership) among members of the PYP global community of practice?

The reflection prompts for this workshop are:

  • how will my response to by the enhanced PYP framework and the revised programme standards and practices, shape the perspective of PYP educators and schools I support as an IB educator?
  • what are the implications for moving to a different model of workshop design and facilitation?
  • how can I further cultivate agency (voice, choice and ownership) among members of the PYP global community of practice?

These prompts were taken from 'Roadmap' page of the course content.

Ellen Manson's Understand PYP Enhancements - prior to taking PYP Up Skilling Course