Aberystwyth Summer 2016

During the summer of 2016, two Welsh students, Grace Eickmann and Lloyd Handley undertook 6 week placements in the physics department at Aberystwyth supported by the Nuffield Foundation under the supervision of Dr. Maire Gorman. These projects were run in conjunction with the Aberystwyth University Summer University organised by the Centre for Widening Participation & Social Inclusion.


As well as working on their projects Grace & Lloyd both took part in the Physics module of the Summer University.

Both students worked on creating unrefined line lists and gathering experiemental data for the molecules of BeH, CoH, BaH, BaCl and BaF as part of the ExoMol project.

In September 2016 both students attended a celebration event in Techniquest in Cardiff where they presented posters of their work.

Grace has very kindly offered to have her report published here for all to savour. Enjoy!
