This installer script will simply check some php.ini settings, warn you if they are set incorrectly, and then download the latest composer.phar in the current directory. The 4 lines above will, in order:

By default the installer and composer self-update will download the latest stable version only. You may select a different download channel though.

 If you would like to help test pre-release versions you can use the --preview flag on either the installer or self-update.

 For snapshot builds, which are done from the latest Composer commit, you can use the --snapshot flag.

 To programmatically install specific major versions you can use the --1 or --2 flag. To select the latest 2.2 LTS you can use --2.2.

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For Drupal 10, use the composer template at drupal/recommended-project. This template ensures Drupal Core dependencies are the exact same version as the official Drupal release. Other approaches can be found below.

After composer finishes downloading the packages, you can navigate your browser to your site's url and start the setup. It'll ask for the database credentials, a name for the admin user and some basic information.

You can use Drush to install Drupal from the command line. Add Drush in your project by running: composer require drush/drush and use drush site:install to run the command line setup wizard. Without any arguments it'll install the standard profile and ask only for database credentials.

If you want to modify some of the properties of the downloaded composer.json before composer install is executed, use the --no-install flag when running composer create-project. For example, it is possible that you want to rename the subdirectory 'web' to something else.'s composer endpoints for Drupal 7 through 10 all support the Composer search function - so you can also search for Drupal projects from the command line. The format for using Composer search is:'s composer endpoints for Drupal 7 through 10 all support the Composer browse function - so you can find additional information about Drupal projects from the command line. The format for using Composer browse is:

If you want to change the locations in the file system where packages are installed, you can modify the "installer-paths" section of the composer.json file. This also can be useful if you need to have specific packages installed in their own locations.

Ensure that NPM and Bower assets are registered as new "installer-types" and, in addition to type:drupal-library, they are registered in "installer-paths" to be installed into Drupal's /libraries folder, within the "extra" section of your project's root composer.json file.

The installation path of a specific library can be controlled by adding it to the "installer-paths" configuration above the general configuration. For example, the chosen module expects the library at /libraries/chosen, but composer require npm-asset/chosen-js installs the library into /libraries/chosen-js; the following override installs it into the expected folder:

If you initially created your Drupal website without Composer (for example by manually downloading and extracting a tarball / zip file), you will need to modify your composer.json by adding as Composer repository and by defining the directory where modules should be downloaded.

You can use the Composerize Drupal plugin for Composer to automatically generate an updated composer.json for you. It will add contributed modules, themes, and profiles that it discovers in your existing site.

On projects following the recommended webroot structure for core, applying core patches with cweagans/composer-patches needs to happen using the p2 patch level (i.e. to reach inside the webroot directory when the project composer.json is a level above that). Patches that simply add files can technically apply at any level, but that can mean the files get created in the wrong place. To ensure they get applied in the right place, add the following definitions to your composer.json, in the extra section, next to the patches section.

Note: If you have tried clearing cache, running composer update etc. and a patch just won't apply, perhaps try removing the system folders with rm -rf web/core && rm -rf web/modules/contrib && rm -rf vendor and run composer install again. For more, see Composer-Patches: The Dependency You Never Knew You Needed.

This is usually only necessary in the case that it has been a long time since the last stable release and you need to use the dev version of a module. When doing so,'s packaging process will include package version metadata that references the number of commits since the last tag. For example, requiring drupal/eck:1.x-dev#ecf376 will include the version 8.x-1.0-alpha5+13-dev metadata within composer.lock. This version metadata represents the +13 commit since the alpha5 tag. Where possible it is recommended to use the most recent stable release along with the patches you require.

In some cases, you may want to create your own composer project without using the drupal/recommended-project template. This could depend on your web server configuration and familiarity with using Composer.

A composer is a person who writes music.[1] The term is especially used to indicate composers of Western classical music,[2] or those who are composers by occupation.[3] Many composers are, or were, also skilled performers of music.

The term is descended from Latin, compn; literally "one who puts together".[4] The earliest use of the term in a musical context given by the Oxford English Dictionary is from Thomas Morley's 1597 A Plain and Easy Introduction to Practical Music, where he says "Some wil [sic] be good descanters [...] and yet wil be but bad composers".[1]

"Composer" is a loose term that generally refers to any person who writes music.[1] More specifically, it is often used to denote people who are composers by occupation,[3] or those who work in the tradition of Western classical music.[2] Writers of exclusively or primarily songs may be called composers, but since the 20th century the terms 'songwriter' or 'singer-songwriter' are more often used, particularly in the tradition of popular music.[5] In other contexts, the term 'composer' can refer to a literary writer,[6] or more rarely and generally, someone who combines pieces into a whole.[7]

Although a musical composition often has a single author, this is not always the case. A work of music can have multiple composers, which often occurs in popular music when a band collaborates to write a song, or in musical theatre, where the songs may be written by one person, the orchestration of the accompaniment parts and writing of the overture is done by an orchestrator, and the words may be written by a third person.

A piece of music can also be composed with words, images, or, in the 20th and 21st centuries, computer programs that explain or notate how the singer or musician should create musical sounds. Examples of this range from wind chimes jingling in a breeze, to avant-garde music from the 20th century that uses graphic notation, to text compositions such as Aus den Sieben Tagen, to computer programs that select sounds for musical pieces. Music that makes heavy use of randomness and chance is called aleatoric music, and is associated with contemporary composers active in the 20th century, such as John Cage, Morton Feldman, and Witold Lutosawski.

The nature and means of individual variation of the music are varied, depending on the musical culture in the country and the time period it was written. For instance, music composed in the Baroque era, particularly in slow tempos, often was written in bare outline, with the expectation that the performer would add improvised ornaments to the melody line during a performance. Such freedom generally diminished in later eras, correlating with the increased use by composers of more detailed scoring in the form of dynamics, articulation et cetera; composers became uniformly more explicit in how they wished their music to be interpreted, although how strictly and minutely these are dictated varies from one composer to another. Because of this trend of composers becoming increasingly specific and detailed in their instructions to the performer, a culture eventually developed whereby faithfulness to the composer's written intention came to be highly valued (see, for example, Urtext edition). This musical culture is almost certainly related to the high esteem (bordering on veneration) in which the leading classical composers are often held by performers.

In Western art music, the composer typically orchestrates their compositions, but in musical theatre and pop music, songwriters may hire an arranger to do the orchestration. In some cases, a pop songwriter may not use notation at all, and, instead, compose the song in their mind and then play or record it from memory. In jazz and popular music, notable recordings by influential performers are given the weight that written scores play in classical music. The study of composition has traditionally been dominated by the examination of methods and practice of Western classical music, but the definition of composition is broad enough for the creation of popular and traditional music songs and instrumental pieces and to include spontaneously improvised works like those of free jazz performers and African percussionists such as Ewe drummers.

During the Middle Ages, most composers worked for the Catholic church and composed music for religious services such as plainchant melodies. During the Renaissance music era, composers typically worked for aristocratic employers. While aristocrats typically required composers to produce a significant amount of religious music, such as Masses, composers also penned many non-religious songs on the topic of courtly love: the respectful, reverential love of a great woman from afar. Courtly love songs were very popular during the Renaissance era. During the Baroque music era, many composers were employed by aristocrats or as church employees. During the Classical period, composers began to organize more public concerts for profit, which helped composers to be less dependent on aristocratic or church jobs. This trend continued in the Romantic music era in the 19th century. In the 20th century, composers began to seek employment as professors in universities and conservatories. In the 20th century, composers also earned money from the sales of their works, such as sheet music publications of their songs or pieces or as sound recordings of their works. 006ab0faaa

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