Ohio River Analysis Meeting 2019

The Tenth Ohio River Analysis Meeting (ORAM 10) will take place at the University of Kentucky during March 28-29, 2020.

An archive of the other Ohio River Analysis Meetings is available here.


The Ninth Ohio River Analysis Meeting (ORAM 9) will be held on March 30-31, 2019 at the University of Cincinnati.

The schedule and abstracts are now available here.

For information about getting to the University of Cincinnati and finding your way around please click here.

Plenary speakers for ORAM 9 are:

There will be sessions for contributed talks and travel support is available to conference participants. In both cases priority will be given to graduate students and early career researchers. The conference poster is available here.

This regional conference series is a collaborative event between the research groups in analysis and PDE at the University of Cincinnati and the University of Kentucky. It meets meet once a year alternating between the two universities. The goal is to foster closer research collaborations between the two departments and to bring leading experts in the field to the region.

The organizing committee for ORAM 9 is:

ORAM 9 is supported by:

ORAM 9 is in cooperation with the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM).

ORAM 9 supports the Welcoming Environment Statement of the Association for Women in Mathematics.

Archive of past meetings: 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011