Other tools

Code to calculate integrals arising from the dispersion relation

Abstract: Code to calculate integrals arising from the dispersion relation between the real and the imaginary parts of the nuclear optical model potential (OMP). Both, analytical solution for the most common dispersive OMP, and the general numerical solution, are included. In the numerical integration, fast convergence is achieved by means of the Gauss–Legendre integration method, which offers accuracy, easiness of implementation and generality for dispersive optical model calculations. The numerical method is validated versus analytical solution. The use of this package in the OMP parameter search codes allows for an efficient and accurate dispersive analysis.

Link to the paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465503001577


R-matrix package for coupled-channel problems in nuclear physics (rmatrix)

rmatrix is a Fortran package to solve coupled-channel problems in nuclear physics. The main input is the coupling potentials at different nucleus–nucleus distances (determined after initialization). The subroutine must be integrated in the user's main code. It provides the collision matrix and, optionally, the associated wave function for a given partial wave. It deals with open and closed channels simultaneously, without numerical instability associated with closed channels. It can also solve coupled-channel problems for non-local potentials. Long-range potentials can be treated with propagation techniques, which significantly speed up the calculations. The basis functions are chosen as Lagrange functions, which permits simple calculations of the matrix elements. The availability of the LAPACK library is recommended, but not necessary.

CPC Library link to program files: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2015.10.015

Language: Fortran 90



The Bayesian Analysis of Nuclear Dynamics (BAND)  software

The Bayesian Analysis of Nuclear Dynamics (BAND) Framework uses advanced statistical methods to produce forecasts for as-yet-unexplored situations that combine nuclear-physics models in an optimal way.  The BAND collaboration made available six "BAND tools" on github intended to facilitate Bayesian analyses in nuclear physics:

It also includes three "BAND examples" where they apply these tools and methods to forefront Nuclear Physics problems. Two of the examples may be of particular interest:

Link to program files and manual: https://github.com/bandframework/bandframework/tree/main 

Language: Python
