Revamil Balm

'Healing skin is what we do'

NICE guidelines summarise that dressings should provide the optimal environment for wound healing. Advanced dressings are those that do this by simple physical or chemical means, typically by controlling moisture levels (for example, alginate, film, foam, hydrocolloid and hydrogel dressings).

The advanced wound dressings section of the BNF provides information on the types and properties of different advanced dressings, and a table that suggests choices of primary dressing depending on the nature of the wound.

Factors that should be considered when choosing a dressing include:

  1. The stage of wound healing

  2. Amount of exudate

  3. Infection

  4. Odour

  5. The adhesiveness of a dressing (ease of removal)

  6. Irritation caused by the adhesive

  7. Absorption

  8. Frequency of dressing changes

  9. Ease of use of the dressing

  10. Amount of pain at dressing changes

  11. Protection of the surrounding skin

  12. Patient preference

  13. Cost effectiveness

Revamil balm contains 25% medical grade honey. As a result of this, the rich enzyme honey with a low PH creates a moist wound environment. Revamil honey is proven to kill bacteria found in wounds within 2-3 hours. This helps to create a protective barrier and fights against infection at the wound site.

Free from silicone and parabens, Revamil balm contains natural ingredients. These act as a skin protector and include, white bees wax, refined peanut oil. Suitable for all age groups including neonates, Revamil balm relives the skin from inflammation, is easy to apply, and dries within a few minutes, leaving no sticky residue. This natural topical ointment does not require a secondary dressing upon application.

Revamil balm can be applied as often as required to all areas of the body, with no need to remove prior to re-application, thus preventing unnecessary trauma to the damaged skin. We recommend that Revamil balm is applied 2-3 times daily when first administered, reducing application as the wound or skin condition improves.

Revamil balm is best suited for superficial infected wounds/skin, can be used as a natural barrier to prevent damaged, irritated and inflamed skin from breakdown. Ideal for use on macerated skin, especially peri wound, moisture lesions, skin tears and MASD.

Revamil balm has been used as an alternative to topical steroids and zinc oxide with excellent results. Whilst offering a solution to long term topical steroid use, Revamil balm is suitable for flexural areas difficult to treat, can be applied as often as required. This natural ointment can also be used on broken skin, eyelids, around the mouth, inside the ears, perineum, vulva, and anus.

Revamil balm should not be used in conjunction with any other antimicrobial applications, other than, Revamil wound care.

With this is mind, Revamil balm is ideal for all stages of wound healing:

  1. Prevents topical infection, antimicrobial properties

  2. Protection from maceration and peri skin

  3. Reduces inflammation across the wound sight

  4. Provides barrier protection against friction

  5. Prevents itching and risk of further breakdown of skin

Revamil Balm dressing can be applied on the following wound types:

  1. Infected, superficial wounds

  2. Venous eczema

  3. Peri wound skin

  4. Moisture associated skin damage

  5. Complex bullous conditions

  6. Excoriated skin

  7. Pruritus (severe itching)

  8. Moisture lesions

  9. Skin tears

  10. Skin irritation and rashes

  11. Superficial burns

  12. Scar tissue

Learning Notes

A selection of wounds suitable for Revamil balm dressing.

A Selection of three Revamil balm case studies

EB Hand RW.pdf

Infected EB hand wound

EB AV Fistula 061221-RevamilBalm.pdf

Non-healing EB Fistula wound

Revamil balm Vascular 23 patients 2021.pdf

Vascular Eczema

e-learning section

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