One-way anova Activities
Does Reasoning about Personal Problems Improve with Psychological Distance?
Original article: Grossmann, I., & Kross, E. (2014). Exploring Solomon’s paradox: Self-distancing eliminates self-other asymmetry in wise reasoning about close relationships in younger and older adults. Psychological Science, 25, 1571-1580.
Conduct one-way ANOVA with planned comparisons
Create a Figure
Can Playing Tetris Reduce the Occurrence of Intrusive Memories?
Original article: James, E. L., Bonsall, M. B., Hoppitt, L., Tunbridge, E. M., Geddes, J. R., Milton, A. L., & Holmes, E. A. (2015). Computer game play reduces intrusive memories of experimental trauma via reconsolidation-update mechanisms. Psychological Science, 26, 1201-1215.
Conduct one-way ANOVA with planned contrasts
Create a Figure
Does Sharing a Painful Experience with Other People Lead to More Trusting Relationships?
Original article: Bastian, B., Jetten, J., & Ferris, L. F. (2014). Pain as social glue: Shared pain increases cooperation. Psychological Science, 25, 2079-2085.
Conduct independent samples t-tests
Conduct one-way ANOVA
Create a Figure
Does Movement Within a Virtual-Reality Environment Affect the Real-World Onset of Pain?
Original article: Harvie, D. S., Broecker, M., Smith, R. T., Meulders, A., Madden, V. J., & Moseley, G. L. (2015). Bogus visual feedback alters onset of movement-evoked pain in people with neck pain. Psychological Science, 26, 385-392.
Conduct repeated measures ANOVA with pairwise comparisons
Create a Figure