I've been running OpenSesame on Windows 7 for a few weeks without any issues so far, and I believe I've used it in Vista as well. However, this afternoon I've had issues opening OpenSesame while on XP computers. I've tried it on two computers - on one first downloading the windows version and then attempting the portable version, and on another with just the portable version, and both give the same error. The same portable version worked fine on a Windows 7 computer, however. I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling and restarting the computers but still get the same error.

This is the error I receive: 

C:\Program Files\OpenSesame\opensesame.exe

This application has failed to start because teh application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

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The error that you report is quite puzzling. It appears that it's not really a crash of OpenSesame per se, but that for some reason it fails to start altogether. Do you see an opensesame.exe.log file with an error message in the OpenSesame folder? If so, could you please post it?

The computers in question are computers in the labs at Florida State University. There are not any strange characters in the path names. I also can not think of any software that might conflict. However, it is possible that there are some sort of security settings set by our IT guys. I will look into this tomorrow.

Today I attempted running it on a handful of other computers running XP in the department. It worked on 2 of them but I got the same error above on 5 of them. I am trying to find any differences between the ones that it is working on and the ones that it isn't working on, but have yet to find any. The computer model apparently is not the issue, so it seems it is something software based. It is not the version of XP either (XP 2002 Professional Service Pack 3 works on some but not others). Whether it is connected to the internet or not also does not seem to matter.

BTW, I've still been working on a few things from home and on Windows 7 computers here and have had very few problems so far despite me not knowing anything about Python. Thanks for such a great program and responding to all the questions people post so quickly!

It's probably useful to know a bit about how OpenSesame works, also potentially for the IT guys. OpenSesame is basically a large script that requires a Python interpreter to run. This is not obvious in the Windows packages, because the script and the interpreter are compiled into a single .exe file. But the idea is still the same.

If OpenSesame crashes, the interpreter generates an error, which is stored in opensesame.exe.log. This error is generally fairly informative and useful for debugging. But if the Python interpreter itself crashes, you get almost nothing. Just these horrible generic Windows error messages. I suspect that the latter is happening here.

To be honest, I don't have any idea about what could cause the crash. I suspect that it has nothing to do with any 'configuration', as the error implies, but something with conflicting dlls or the like. What you could do is try a different package that has been created by Edwin, from University Utrecht. He used a different method of packaging the Python interpreter. Perhaps it works on your computers. If not, using his package, you could try running the interpreter (python.exe) by itself to see if it also crashes.

i'm using openSesame for my diploma thesis at University of Konstanz, so btw Thanks for developing openSesame, great stuff! :-)

I am working with openSesame for est 1.5 years running win7 32/64bit on several computers at home, by now never had problems, even on an netbook.

Currently our department changed computers, so at the office i am using a xp 32bit/dual core system, and now i can't get my experiment running. openSesame stocks after the "subject-number"-dialog. unfortunately i have no idea why. i can run my experiment even in an virtualbox, xp 32bit, but on that real machine...no way

That's really weird. Could you describe a bit more specifically what happens? Does the program crash completely (i.e. the window vanishes), or do you get some kind of error message in the debug window or the opensesame.exe.log file? Does it happen with all back-ends and all experiments?

Meanwhile i have found a solution. I am partly using long pathnames and many subfolders, XP doesn't seem to cope with that in the end. I have renamed and shortened my folder structure, e.g. without spaces, changed german umlaut marks like '' to 'oe', now it works fine. 

btw, i am using the portable version in an dropbox account, so i am the most flexible, since i use several computers. win7 doesn't care about the pathnames or special characters like ''.

Ah right, I see. There is a bug in 0.25 were special characters in filenames cause trouble (Issue 74). It should be resolved in 0.26. If you decide to check out the 0.26 pre-release, please let me know if this issue has indeed been fully resolved.

It undoubtedly has something to do with the character set that is used, but beyond that I don't know. Special characters in filenames are notoriously tricky, and require all kinds of operating system specific hacks. Good to hear that it works on Win 7 though.

I just wanted to reply to the very first post from Jacob. Last week I had the same problem on a windows XP PC in our lab. The PC was not connected to the internet and kept giving me the same error message

Thanks for your info. This "configuration error" is something that users occasionally report (just yesterday, for example), and I don't have a clue what causes it, beside the obvious statement that there must be some incompatibility somewhere.

Just last week, I have encountered this problem too. The problem lies with PyGame. On some systems, a different setup is used (where or how: I haven't the foggiest, but I'm guessing MichelQ has found a promising direction). If you run from source: install PyGame on the PC where you want to install OpenSesame. Then it should work.

just wanted to add that today I had the same error on another xp PC. This time I only downloaded and updated the .net framework (On the other case I also updated windows to the latest service pack etc) which removed the error.

Thanks for the reply. I've followed the command prompt instructions but when I get to "python Scripts\opensesame-script.py" the command prompt says that 'python' is not recognised as an internal or external command, operable program or bath file.

But I guess that Windows does give you a message along the lines of "python.exe stopped working", right? In that case, the Python interpreter crashes for some reason, which will be difficult to find out.

Hmm, I have never seen this error before, and it's not very informative either. As a first try, I would reinstall OpenSesame, to see if your current installation has simply been corrupted for some reason. If that doesn't solve the issue, I would launch python.exe, which is in the OpenSesame program folder, and see what happens if you directly import PyQt4:

I think I have the problem as the user before. I have tried your suggestions (the command prompt and reinstalling Open Sesame) but it still doesn't work. When I try the latest solution I get the error below:

The information from this discussion is outdated. Currently OpenSesame uses PyQt5, not PyQt4. But I'm guessing you arrived here because OpenSesame doesn't launch. How have you installed OpenSesame, and what exactly happens when you launch OpenSesame?

Ah, I see. PyQt5 is definitely included with OpenSesame. So if it's not found, as in your case, that is probably because a different program has set the paths (which specify where Python looks for things) on your system such that Python gets confused. And the primary suspect is PyCharm. Do you have PyCharm installed?

@mireiamarimon I'm 90% confident that it's a path issue, so let's go with that assumption first. There are several environment variables that are important here, but I don't know exactly which ones. If you go to the environment variables in the Windows configuration (it sounds like I don't need to explain to you what that means, but if so let me know), do you see any references to Python or Qt? If so, and if you remove those, does OpenSesame start?

I have recently been learning Python 3. I have had no problems on my netbook (32bit Windows 7) I with creating small simple programs. When I installed it on my netbook I had no problems, but now that I've been getting into it I want to install it on my desktop and I have one. My desktop is a 64 bit OS running Windows 7. Like I did with my netbook, I went to download Python and install the 64 bit edition.

If you want to attempt to debug this then the tool of choice is Dependency Walker. You open the python.exe executable file in Dependency Walker and use the profile menu to start it up with logging of the load events. Somewhere along the way there will be a failure and you'll be able to see which module is causing that failure. That will hopefully point the way towards a resolution.

I note that you have selected a 64 bit version. Now, support for 64 bit extension modules is not as strong on 64 bit Python as on 32 bit Python. It does exist, but they modules can be harder to come by and install. You might consider installing a 32 bit Python next time round.

To fix this error, simply re-install PY at the same folder where your python was install before you refreshed windows. If you try to install it any other folder like username/appdata/... folder the PY installer would be stuck in initialization.

You may also get another error saying "api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing". To fix, go to the windows.old folder and get the dll file ith the above name and paste it in the PY folder. Also like others have suggested, make sure Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 redistributable is installed.

Apparently the error code stands for STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT (source), and it looks like it's not specific to Python. You can try reinstalling the program, rebooting, running CHKDSK /r (source). It might also have something to do with the Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable package, as Janne Karila and this thread suggest. 152ee80cbc

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