Last year he passed Grade 12 with flying colours but then took a gap year this year to focus on his music. In 2024, KwaZulu-Natal musician Mfana Kah Gogo is planning to go back to school to study his first year in Marketing.

The Gibela singer tells ZiMoja that the gap year was much needed. "There's a lot that I have learned about the music industry during the gap year," he says., adding that, "I learned much more about the business of music and got to be hands-on with my brand. But I also got to save some money so that I can be able to pay for my fees next year," he says. Musically, he reached many milestones. "I received gold status for my song Azul with DJ Karri. I also got time to think carefully about what it is that I want to study." This year he also collaborated with top Amapiano artists like MalumNator, with whom he has recorded a few songs, one beingVelaphi ,which pays tribute to the 80s TV series of the same title. "The song celebrates the legends of the TV series, especially the late Mr Mvuyiswa Renek "Velaphi" Ntlokwana." He says he also got to engage with a number of his peers like Taylor ICU, Blxckie, and many others.

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When he took a gap year, his family gave him their blessing. "I agreed with my mom and grandmother that I would focus on the music, raise some money and go back to school after one year, which is what I have done," he says. "They were not sure about it in the beginning, but they trusted my judgment. They know how much I love music and that I am very disciplined, so they supported me and their support has encouraged me a lot. I was able to decide on my style of music. I did many collaborations with other artists. I helped to raise my siblings and take them to school and for me, those are my biggest wins." Mfana Kah Gogo also plans to continue supporting his siblings to continue with their education. "I will be paying the fees for my siblings who passed and make sure they stay in school in order to fulfil their dreams."

He believes that education is important. "Every career requires you to have some level of education. Artists usually sign contracts that bind them due to lack of education," he says. "It is also important to have something to fall back on."

His latest single Phathaphatha is an ode to Sophiatown and the old-school South African sound. "I was remembering the good old days. My father used to dance for me when I was a young boy and he would play Miriam Makeba's Pata Pata. So, the song is for both young and old." Next year he hopes to focus and be able to balance music and university. "It won't be easy but I know it's possible," he says. "I also wish that my grandmother lives long to see my success and to build a home for myself as I have done for my family."

I get out of bed, brush my teeth, get dressed, spray on some mosquito spray, and grab a light jacket before heading out of the door. I went to bed with a bit of a tummy ache so for breakfast I had a bowl of yoghurt.

Lunch is now over. Instead of planning on Tuesdays we switch it to Thursdays so now Shwele and I are on nutrition in Khula. Since we just seen our nutrition patients this past Thursday and Friday we decide to just take some measurements since they have enough ePAP to last at this moment. We drop Nok, Claudy, Barbara, and Helene off at Crche for some painting and then we head to Khula.

Our day is over at exactly 11:30am we are making outstanding time. We decide to head back to the Khula Multi-Purpose center to pick up Nok and Valerie from War Room. Once that is over we head back to fool ol St Lucia for lunch. Barbara and I unload the Fortuner and then Nok and Shwele drive back to Khula to get Claudy and Helene from Crche.

When everyone finishes their meal, Kim leads a very informative workshop on HIV. Though the infection rates are growing lower, the number of those infected yearly, and dying due to AIDS related deaths are staggering. In my area alone, 1 in 6 adults are infected with the virus. Even with all of the shocking news/statistics, I am happy to hear that as of October 2016 the South African government declared all Antiretroviral Therapy to be free to every resident of the country diagnosed with HIV. Before then, the only way to qualify for free treatment was if your CD4 count was below 350., you are diagnosed with AIDS once your CD4 count is below 200..a healthy CD4 count is between 500-1,000.

We arrive at the home, we can tell that from the lack of smell that the wife has cleaned him up, he even looks better. The visit is brief because we seen him already so we just take some measurements and chat for a little. We give him the ePAP and then we make our way.

We make it onto the drive way a little before 6:30pm. Helene and I help Valerie unload the Fortuner and then I catch my breath. The funniest thing happened though, Valerie literally sat her bag down for 1 second to close the trunk and a monkey found himself in it- these guys are a bit too comfortable.

The nurse prescribes a pain blocker and multivitamins just as Shwele and I do, with the addition of BP medication, as we wait for the other patients to finish up I notice all of the naked babies waiting to be seen drinking out of dirty bottles with the absence of a diaper on. Since HIV can be spread through Brest feeding, I am happy to see that many women are how to afford a supplemental milk source.

I prepare for the Support Group. I make the hot tea, gather the yoga mats and the box with the cups, get some extra sugar and then Valerie, Nok, and I are on our way! First we gather a couple of our members, then we stop by the supermarket in Khula to get some cookies.

We had a total of 6 members today and they were all happy to see me again and have a new member-Valerie. This time, the conversation took on a more positive note and I did a simple presentation on foot health since the ladies had questions about pains in their feet. I also did a foot massage demonstration, it was fun!

When that is over, I continue with my pool master duties by scooping all of the leaves out and then I take yet another cold shower-the water is a bit annoying here but at least we have some this week.

We make our way to the next GoGo, she was very nice and happy to us. That appointment went very well! Her BP was high, but better than usual so we provided a good parcel. She has a history of diabetes and complained of pain in her left foot. Thankfully we did not see any visible sores, wounds, or cracks.

Shwele is driving, so Nok, Mumsy, Claudy, Barbara, and I all load into the Avanza to make our way to Khula. We drop Mumsy at the end of the road first so that she can go to Spar and then the rest of the crew is dropped off at Crche.

We see a familiar patient first and this visit is quite different. His wife was here and there were a bunch of family issues going on. The wife started crying and everything-just a bunch of drama and infidelity. The wife appears to be drunk so we quickly took our measurements and got out of there.

We had 7 members in total, not including Nok and I and the cute little baby (pictured below)She was a beautiful little girl and she was infatuated with my skirt, so of course I let her play with it. I took off my shoes, greeted the ladies, sat on a yoga mat, and enjoyed the moment.

Once that is over Claudy, Barbara, Kim, Kait, and I head to town to get snacks and a cool drink then head to the jetty to watch a full sunset. We saw hippos, beautiful birds, orb spiders, and crocs. Majestic

At 5:45pm we have our afternoon debriefing. We tell Kim about the highs and lows of our day and then eat a delicious dinner, cottage pie. After dinner we go our separate ways, I do the dishes and then clean up the kitchen a little since it is my night, then I work on some stuff for school and then marvel in the South African heat.

This morning I have home assistance with Shwele. I grab a broom and a mop with a bucket full of cleaning supplies and load up the car. Nok, Shwele,Kait, Claudy and myself hop into the fortuner to start our work day. Shwele drives and we arrive at Crche to drop off Kait and Claudy, Barbara is still under the weather but feeling much better so she decides to take the morning off.

We stop by another house on the way to the clinic to pick up a lady, the Avanza tries to stall going up a hill so Shwele backs up so that we can get a running start-she literally floors it. The roads are crazy. We wait for the third patient to get themselves together and while we wait we play some African beats over the radio thank goodness the sun is facing the other way- I watch a child happily play with a broken toy. I give him and his little sister a piece of gum too. They take it with two hands to show respect and I give it to them in the same way, with both hands.

Support Group was great and much needed. A lot has happened to these women in the past week. There were tears, stories of family members abandoning their children, babies being born by school girls and being left in toilets and on the public transportation, and stories of 13 year old girls being raped by family members. Let us all keep this world in prayer.

We arrive in Khula to drop Mumsy, Babs(Barbara), Claudy and Kait off at Crche then we go to our first home of the morning. I admire how the photos on the business trucks are a reflection of the people they serve.

My Saturday morning is very much so uneventful. I wake up around 10:30am- that Benadryl really knocked me out. I get out of bed, get dressed, and then walk to Thyme Square to enjoy some air condition and a delicious breakfast.

While awaiting the gate,D8, in Johannesburg we met some really lovely people.They were all young, looked to be about my age or even younger. One girl, she was from SA she had been in the States for the past 6 months. She hated everything about it, the people and the food, she was in New Jersey for her stay. Another young lady, she had some of the same hopes and dreams to assist in villages and orphanages of the country. Her name was Anissa. She asked for my name to look me up on Facebook, I hope she actually does. 152ee80cbc

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