12 / 01  Fri.  各場摘要

場    09:00-10:30       紐約時間  11 / 30  Thu.  20:00-21:30

Brigid E.  Vance

范莉潔Poeticizing Late Ming Dreams  晚明詩化之夢想

本文旨在探討明代末期夢與詩之間的關係。我將以兩位士大夫為例,對晚明的夢文化以及晚明個體跟集體無意識進行探討。這兩位士人都是透過夢與詩來更深刻地了解自己的人生,表達內心感受,同時流露出對集體無意識的參與。對明代士大夫來說,夢是能了解内心一切的工具。羅倫 (1431-1478) 在參加科舉前遊福建省的九鯉湖,並於彼向九何神求夢,但沒有得到回答。在覺醒後的挫折與失望面前,羅倫以寫詩來抒懷。另一位士人鄭鄤(明熹宗天啟二年1622進士)則表現出處於一個政治混亂時代的心理狀態。他在崇禎十二年(1639年)被凌遲處死。在晚明每況愈下的境遇裡,無從找尋生活意義的士大夫藉由夢境與詩境追尋希望和心理安慰。有的選擇置身夢中,試圖以夢為詩來操控夢,再透過操控夢來求得控制社會的混亂。士大夫選擇置身於夢與詩中來表達出内心無意識的意義,通過收集夢來表達心情,兩位士大夫來操控夢。通過享受來自於夢的詩,我們可以看到當時的士大夫如何定義夢,如何以夢來維持自己內心秩序的平衡,以及以夢來表達他們的精神面貌與人生觀。

SON , Suyoung

孫修暎書籍市場與李漁 《意中緣》的女性作者身份的建構    


The Market and Making Female Authorship in Li Yu’s  Yizhong yuan

Li Yu’s 1653 drama Yizhong yuan explores the theme of forgery, which was widespread in the expanding market economy of early modern China. By prominently featuring a female forger, Yizhong yuan not only challenges the clear distinction between an original work and its imitation but also reveals that the counterfeit author asserts her authority through the exchange value in the market. Drawing upon textual analysis and an examination of the material conditions of the publication of Yizhong yuan, this paper aims to explore the intricacies of elevating a marginalized female figure whose authorship was not acknowledged by her gender into an authorial subject entitled to social recognition and financial compensation within the late imperial book market.

場    10:50-12:2      大阪時間  12 / 01  Fri.  11:50-13:20

淺見 洋二
ASAMI  Youji 

淺見 洋二文本之鏈:蘇黃與惠洪之間的詩學傳承



Zeb Raft

Zeb Raft  雷之波"Probably Many Variants":  How Witter Bynner Revised His Chinese Translations

當我們提起美國詩人維特·賓納 (1881-1968) 的唐詩翻譯時,會想到的無非是他1929年出版的翻譯專著《玉山集》,頂多也只會再記起他的翻譯夥伴江亢虎 (1883-1954)。一般不會想到的是,這些譯作成書之前的複雜歷程。他們的翻譯計畫花了十年── 但他們每一年都覺得即將完成。他們的譯作從一開始就陸續發表在各種期刊上── 期刊上的文字與後來書上的文本幾乎從未一致,甚至常徹底改頭換面。事實上,他們的翻譯是在種種對話中完成的,包括維特與亢虎,維特與他的朋友圈、以及他們與譯作的讀者。維特留下相當規模的檔案,本研究使用其中書信、筆記本、剪貼、以及書頁邊緣上的雜記,企圖梳理維特與他翻譯夥伴的關係、兩人對中國古典詩的認識、他們的翻譯取徑,以及他們對譯作讀者的態度。。

“Probably Many Variants”: How Witter Bynner Revised His Chinese Translations

When we speak about Witter Bynner’s (1881-1968) translations of Tang poetry, and even when we recall that they were done in collaboration with Kiang Kang-hu (1883-1954), we generally think of them as a single entity, published in 1929 as The Jade Mountain: A Chinese Anthology. But there was a very involved history behind these translations. The project took a decade—though from the start, completion always seemed just around the corner. Most of the translations were published in magazines along the way—but in versions that were almost always much different from what they would become in the book. Most of all, perhaps, the translation project was done in the midst of many conversations—between Bynner and Kiang, and Bynner and his friends and readers. Using letters, notebooks, clippings, and marginalia from Bynner’s large archive, this study explores Bynner’s relationship with his collaborator, their ideas about Chinese poetry, their approaches to translation, and their responses to readers.

主題演講 2    14:00-15:00

CHOW, Kai-wing 


Center in the Margin: Authority in Paratexts and the Culture of the Mercantile Literati (shishang  士商) in Early Modern China

The sixteenth century witnessed the emergence of a “New Literary Canon” of the mercantile literati (shishang 士商) in early Modern China. A poetics proclaiming and justifying the literary texts grew in the ever-expanding discursive space unfolding in the paratexts of popular literary genres. Flourishing commercial print culture restructured the field of cultural production through various textual strategies such as narrating and commenting as well as editing and anthologizing. Paratextual strategies undertaken by the mercantile literati manufactured authority, generated, and circulated dissent, subversion, as well as re-configurated the culture of the official elites. This new culture of the mercantile literati thrived on the margin of the official culture and evolved into an alternative that transformed the dominant culture as witnessed in the shifting relationship between history and fiction. Dynastic history had been a literary genre second in importance only to the Classics in the literary hierarchy of Imperial China. With the expansion of the mercantile literati, fiction began to rival dynastic history in its didactic function and authority in remembering the past. The rising popularity of a particular genre of fiction—fictionalized history—bore witness to the profound transformation in what Pierre Bourdieu calls “the field of cultural production” where shishang authors on the margin fashioned a poetics that challenged the authority of dynastic history as the most reliable account of the past enabling the shishang to negotiate the relationship between their new values and those of the imperial ideology.

場    15:20-17:10

YANG, Yu-Cheng

楊玉成丨 圖說:明代的聖傳、勸懲與講故事

印刷術 使 「 圖 」 與 「 說 」重新 整合起來 發展出複雜的樣式 ,今傳眾多「 圖說 」,某種程度是印刷術盛行後的遺存 。隨著印刷術盛行,口頭與表演傳統逐漸轉向視覺觀看,「 圖說 」最終淹沒在眾多附有圖像的書籍中,獨特性隱沒不彰, 但始終不曾消失,清代甚至更為發達。圖說與一般繪畫不同,最明顯的是必然加上文字:標題、榜題、出處、解說,提供給觀者(通常是不確定的大眾)作為辨識、說明、引導。「 圖說 」反映明代表演文化複雜的側面,不僅與精英的文人畫大異其趣,也不同於俚俗的小說插圖,媒介形式多樣:從繪畫到石刻、版畫、口語,書籍形式從寫本、拓本到印本,從單張、卷軸到書冊(或相反),涉及不同媒介的 轉換,打破學界線性演化的簡單假設。隨著圖像大量複製(包含寫本、印 本),導致作者與讀者的疏離,說明文字因而變得不可或缺,形成更加緊密的圖文關係。明代 圖說從上層社會逐漸下移,編者與讀者大致符合晚明中間階層的身份:生員、僧人、道士、醫生、相士、書坊主等,由此擴散於庶民大眾。「 圖說 」在明代書籍史上扮演重要的角色,反映從口頭到書寫、白話與文言、寫本與印本的生成與流動的過程,提供一個對明代講述與表演重要而有趣的線索 。






LIU, Chiung-Yun

劉瓊云 邊緣生命與詮釋競爭:書籍作為形塑歷史想像的動力

程濟(生卒年不詳),這個在現代人的知識畛域中可能陌生的名字,在明清時期,曾有過一番從隱晦異人成為熱門人物的變化史。從最早期紀錄「革除遺事」(正史稱「靖難」)的野史、筆記中,神出鬼沒,通曉天象卜算的術士形象;隨著嘉靖、隆慶、萬曆年間,士人學者一波波補遺、存史的努力 ,加上晚明出版業蓬勃的推波助瀾,宣稱為程濟追隨建文帝流亡期間所做的《從亡隨筆》面世 ,到了崇禎年間,程濟在當時不同類型的出版品中,發展出多面形象。不僅出現在中篇歷史演義《續英烈傳》當中,在白話短篇小說《型世言》與《西湖二集》,乃至流行於明代,輯錄歷代名將傳略的《廣百將傳》系列兵書,皆刻意著墨程濟故事。
