I just recently installed LineageOS, it was pretty straightforward. Phone is a OnePlus 8T. I decided I want to use some basic google services after having used the phone for a day or so. Per the LineageOS website, the nano size package is recommended (which is the one I wanted as well). Problem is, every time I try to install it I get "insufficient storage space available in system partition" error.

Now, I'm relatively inexperienced at this so I don't want to just go and try to reformat the system partition or increase its size with scripts etc Also, I really should be doing this on a fresh lineage install anyway. That said, should I use a different Lineage build date and reflash (never done this, I assume it's simple but idk) and install opengapps before rebooting into the OS? Should I use microG instead?

Open Gapps Arm 9.0 Nano Download

Download 🔥 https://geags.com/2y3IOp 🔥

Edit: Reinstalled lineage > reboot to recovery > Install of gapps failed again with same error. From what I understand, my phone can't run TWRP (which is the only way I know of to easily resize partitions).

Finally, I have already been able to install the gapps

You have to do a complete format to the sdcard

If you have a split structure of l4t, no matter how much I format it from the android recovery, it does not format it well and makes the partitions small to install the Gapps.

Now, months after the Android 10 source code was uploaded to AOSP, the Open GApps team has released flashable Google app packages for Android 10 custom ROMs. While a few unofficial builds have already been released by community members, the official GApps release ensures that the package you're flashing has already been tested by the community and contains all the necessary Google framework add-ons. As of now, the Open GApps team has only released pico and nano packages of Google apps, but the team is working to get the other packages up as well. If you're thinking of flashing an Android 10 custom ROM on your device, you can now download the Open GApps pico and nano packages from the link below.

I installed one of the OpenGapp packages, no problem, on Saturday. Used the FlashFire method. Used one of the medium size packages, the micro or mini. Everything worked but slowly so decided to try the pico and reflashed the SD and installed the open_gapps-arm64-7.1-pico-20171203.zip. This time used Recovery and it failed with an error 64. The log file states "Installation Failure: this package cannot be installed on this device's architecture. Please download the correct version". Tried again with FlashFire and same error message. Then repeated with the the nano zip - same problem.

Within TWRP: Advanced > ADB Sideload > Check all > Swipe to Start Sideload

adb sideload open_gapps.zip

Note: It seems some GApps packages will cause an issue where rebooting to system will take forever, then fail and reboot back into recovery. Installing a different package version can help resolve this type of issue.

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