Teaching & Supervision

I am teaching the Master's course on Cryptology every Fall and taught the Ph.D. course on Information Theory in 2023-2024 at Linköping University. Please sign up for courses on the university website. If you have any specific questions about course topics, feel free to contact me.


WiSe 2024  Lecturer & Examiner for the M.Sc. level 6 ECTS course at LiU: Cryptology (two separate courses with similar content, one in-presence and one online).

Wise 2023  Lecturer & Examiner for the Ph.D. level 9 ECTS course at LiU: "Information Theory".

WiSe 2023  Lecturer & Examiner for the M.Sc. level 6 ECTS course at LiU: Cryptology” (two separate courses with similar content, one in-presence and one online).


WiSe 2022  Guest Lecturer for the M.Sc. level 6 ECTS course at LiU: “Computer Security”.


SuSe 2022  Lecturer/Dozent for the B.Sc. level 6 ECTS course at the University of Siegen: Digital Communication Technology II” (Online).


WiSe 2021  Guest Lecturer/Dozent for the Ph.D./M.Sc. level 6 ECTS course at the University of Siegen: Communication and Information Security I / Cryptographic Methods and Applications I” (Online).


WiSe 2020  Lecturer/Dozent for the Ph.D./M.Sc. level 6 ECTS course at TUB: “Applications of the Probabilistic Method” (Online).

SuSe 2020  Lecturer/Dozent for the Ph.D./M.Sc. level 6 ECTS course at TUB: “Applications of the Probabilistic Method” (postponed to the next semester due to the Covid-19 pandemic).


WiSe 2019/20  Lecturer/Dozent for the Ph.D./M.Sc. level 6 ECTS course at TUB: Security and Privacy of Information Systems”.


SuSe 2019  Adjunct Lecturer/Dozent for the B.Sc. level 6 ECTS course at TUM-Asia & Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore: Digital Communications 101”.


SuSe 2014/15/16/17/18 Teaching Assistant for the M.Sc. level 6 ECTS course at TUM: “Wireless Communications Laboratory”.


WiSe 2014/15/16/17/18 Teaching Assistant for the M.Sc. level 6 ECTS course at TUM: “Communications Laboratory”.

SuSe 2014/15/16/17  Teaching Assistant for the Ph.D./M.Sc. level 6 ECTS course at TUM: “Advanced Topics in Communications Engineering together with

o   Prof. Dr. Amin Gohari (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) on The Probabilistic Method”, 2017

o   Prof. Dr. Mari Kobayashi (CentraleSupélec, France) on MIMO-OFDM Systems”, 2016

o   Prof. Dr. Matthieu Bloch (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA) on “Information Theoretic Security and Resolvability”, 2015

o   Prof. Dr. Andrew Thangaraj (Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India) on “Code Constructions for Information Theoretic Security”, 2014.

SuSe 2014  Lecturer for the B.Sc. level 6 ECTS course at TUM: “Basic Laboratory on Telecommunications”.


SuSe 2014  Teaching Assistant for the M.Sc./B.Sc. level 6 ECTS course at the summer academy Ferienakademie in Sarntal, Italy on Real-time Receiver Design for Digital Audio Broadcast (DAB) Standard via Software-Defined Radio (SDR)” together with Profs. Gerhard Kramer (TUM), Stephan ten Brink (University of Stuttgart), and Ralf Müller (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg).




- to be added more soon

(01/2024 - 06/2024).


o   Nokia Bell Labs (on wireless communication theory)

o   Daimler AG (on estimation theory)

o   Rohde & Schwarz (on communication theory)

o   AED Engineering (on wireless communication theory)

               and with the student names, thesis titles, and years of defense 

1) Ugur Baran Elmali, “Intra-cell Mobility in 5G Multi-beam Systems Operating at High Carrier Frequency”, 2018.

2) Mohamed Mezghani, “Estimation of Signal Phases and Timing Information based on Statistical Properties of GPS-tracks”, 2018.

3) Julian Leyh, “Transmitter Impairment Measurement in the Digital Terrestrial Multimedia Broadcast Standard”, 2017.

4) Stefan Thiel, “Analysis of AM Demodulation for Speech-based Airborne Communications Under Multipath Propagation”, 2015.

5) Tobias Fülle, “Preamble Detection on NC-OFDM for Dynamic Synchronization”, 2015.


1) Tijani Aziz Feki, “Optimized Transform Coding for Physical Unclonable Functions”, 2018.

2) Mohamed Ibn Haj Hmida, “Mapping Optimization for Key Generation from Correlated Physical Outputs”, 2017.

3) Fares Charfi, “Transform Implementation for Secret-key Storage with Physical Identifiers”, 2017.

4) Anes Belkacem, “Reliability Analysis for Secret-key Binding for Physical Identifiers”, 2016.



(2015 - 2018).