
Invited Keynotes and Tutorials

 [1] O. Günlü, Matthieu Bloch, Rafael F. Schaefer, and Aylin Yener, "Secure Integrated Sensing and Communication," (Tutorial) in EU Cost Action 22168 6G-PHYSEC WG2 Seminar, Online, March 2024.

[2] O. Günlü, "Fundamental Gains for Secure Integrated Sensing and Communications," (Keynote) in Information Theory and Applications Workshop, U.S.A., February 2024 (invited).

[3] A. Gohari, O. Günlü, and G. Kramer, “On a Measure of Private Common Information and Secret Key Agreement,” (Tutorial) in Seminar on Algorithmic Aspects of Information Theory, Montpellier, France, January 2024. 

[4] O. Günlü and Rafael F. Schaefer, "On Secret Key Agreement, Private Authentication, and Identification with Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs)," (Tutorial) in IEEE/EURASIP International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, Berlin, Germany, September 2021.

[5] O. Günlü and Rafael F. Schaefer, "Private Authentication and Doubly-Exponential Identification with Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs)," (Tutorial) in TU Braunschweig, Germany, March 2020.

[6] Frans M.J. Willems, Tanya Ignatenko, Lieneke Kusters, O. Günlü, and Intrinsic-ID B.V., "An Information-Theoretical Approach Toward SRAM-PUF Authentication," (Keynote Speech) in IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security, Delft, The Netherlands, December 2019.

[7] O. Günlü and Rafael F. Schaefer, "Key Agreement and Secure Identification with Physical Unclonable Functions," (Tutorial) in IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security, Delft, The Netherlands, December 2019.

[8] Gerhard Kramer, Jie Hou, O. Günlü, and Matthieu Bloch, "Secrecy, Stealth, Privacy and Storage for Noisy Channels and Identifiers," (Tutorial) in IEEE European School of Information Theory, Gothenburg, Sweden, April 2016.


Invited Talks


[1] O. Günlü, "Secure Integrated Sensing and Communication: An Information Theoretic Approach," Joint 6G-PHYSEC & INTERACT Workshop on 6G Technologies and PHY Layer Security, Espoo, Finland, June 2024.

[2] O. Günlü, "Hardware-intrinsic Security and Trustworthy Distributed Computations," Cyberly Cybersecurity Cluster Medlemsträff, Linköping Science Park, Linköping, Sweden, April 2024.

[3] O. Günlü, "Secure Integrated Sensing, Localization, and Communication Through Coding Theory," Security for 6G Integrated Communication, Sensing, Localization Workshop, Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden, February 2024.

[4] O. Günlü, "Information Theoretic Security for Future Communication and Computation Systems," Linköping University Electrical Engineering Department (ISY) Day, Linköping, Sweden, May 2023.

[5] O. Günlü, Matthieu Bloch, Rafael F. Schaefer, and Aylin Yener, "Secure and Trustworthy Integrated Sensing and Communication: Ultimate Limits and Applications," Seminar of Communication System Group at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, March 2023. 

[6] O. Günlü, Matthieu Bloch, Rafael F. Schaefer, and Aylin Yener, "Secure Integrated Sensing and Communication: The Ultimate Limits," Seminar of Division of Information Science and Engineering at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, January 2023.

[7] O. Günlü, Rafael F. Schaefer, Holger Boche, and H. Vincent Poor, "Secure and Private Distributed Source Coding with Private Keys: The Ultimate Limits and Applications," Seminar of TU Dresden Chair of Information Theory and Machine Learning, Dresden, Germany, January 2023.

[8] O. Günlü, "Provable Privacy and Security for Future Communication Systems," Seminar of Information Processing and Communications Laboratory, Télécom Paris, Palaiseau, France, October 2021.

[9] O. Günlü, "Provable Security and Privacy for Future Communication Systems," Seminar of Communications Systems & Information and Coding Divisions, Department of Electrical Engineering, Linköping University, Sweden, September 2021.

[10] O. Günlü, Joerg Kliewer, Rafael F. Schaefer, and Vladimir Sidorenko, "Doubly-Exponential Identification via Channels: Code Constructions and Bounds," in Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Newcom Project Meeting, Chair of Communication Engineering, TU Munich, Germany, August 2021.

[11] O. Günlü, "PUFs, Lieneke, and Symmetry: An Optimal Wyner-Ziv Coding Approach," in TU Eindhoven Lieneke Farewell Seminar, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, May 2021.

[12] O. Günlü, Onurcan Iscan, Vladimir Sidorenko, and Gerhard Kramer, "Optimal Code Constructions for Secret Key Agreement with Physical Unclonable Functions," in TU Berlin Graduate Seminar, Berlin, Germany, March 2019.

[13] O. Günlü, Onurcan Iscan, Vladimir Sidorenko, and Gerhard Kramer, "Optimal Code Constructions for Secret Key Agreement," in Russian Academy of Sciences Seminar, Moscow, Russia, December 2018.

[14] O. Günlü, Onurcan Iscan, Vladimir Sidorenko, and Gerhard Kramer, "Lossy Source Coding with Side Information for Secret Key Agreement with Physical Unclonable Functions," in Institute for Information Transmission Problems Seminar, Moscow, Russia, December 2018.

[15] O. Günlü, Onurcan Iscan, Vladimir Sidorenko, and Gerhard Kramer, "Optimal Code Constructions for Secret Key Agreement," in Huawei Professor's Day on ICT Algorithm Design, Moscow, Russia, November 2018.

[16] Thomas Jerkovits (Speaker), O. Günlü, Vladimir Sidorenko, and Gerhard Kramer, "Nested Convolutional Codes for PUFs," in UUlm Communications Seminar, Ulm, Germany, October 2018.

[17] O. Günlü, Onurcan Iscan, Vladimir Sidorenko, and Gerhard Kramer, "Optimal Wyner-Ziv Coding Constructions for Secret Key Agreement," in DLR / TUM / UUlm Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, Wessling, Germany, October 2018.

[18] Thomas Jerkovits (Speaker), O. Günlü, Vladimir Sidorenko, and Gerhard Kramer, "Tail-Biting Convolutional Codes for PUFs," in DLR / TUM / UUlm Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, Wessling, Germany, October 2018.

[19] Amin Gohari, O. Günlü, and Gerhard Kramer, "Positive Rate in the Multiple Round Key Agreement Problem," in Munich Doctoral Seminar on Communications, Munich, Germany, July 2018.

[20] O. Günlü, Bernhard Geiger, and Gerhard Kramer, "Key Agreement with Physical Unclonable Functions," in 3rd TUM-Eurecom Workshop on Secure Communications, Munich, Germany, July 2018.

[21] O. Günlü and Gerhard Kramer, "Reliable Key Agreement with Biometric and Physical Identifiers Under Varying Environmental Conditions," in PUF Seminar, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, March 2018.

[22] O. Günlü, Bernhard Geiger, and Gerhard Kramer, "Key Agreement with Physical Identifiers," in Information and Communication Theory (ICT) Lab Seminar, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands, March 2018.

[23] O. Günlü and Gerhard Kramer, "Secret Key Agreement with Physical and Biometric Identifiers," in Signal Processing Systems (SPS) Group Meeting, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands, February 2018.

[24] O. Günlü and Rafael F. Schaefer (Speaker), "Key agreement through broadcast channel measurements," in Information Theory and Applications Workshop, Pacific Beach, San Diego, USA, February 2018.

[25] O. Günlü, Onurcan Iscan, Vladimir Sidorenko, and Gerhard Kramer, "Optimal Code Construction for Secret-key Generation from PUFs," in Munich Workshop on Physical Unclonable Functions, Munich, Germany, November 2017.

[26] Amin Gohari (Speaker), O. Günlü, and Gerhard Kramer, "On a Measure of Private Common Information," in Sharif University Seminar, Tehran, Iran, October 2017.

[27] Amin Gohari (Speaker), O. Günlü, and Gerhard Kramer, "On a Measure of Private Common Information," in Chair of Communications Engineering Seminar, TU Munich, Munich, Germany, August 2017.

[28] Amin Gohari (Speaker), O. Günlü, and Gerhard Kramer, "Secret Key Generation from Correlated Sources," in Seminar on Quantum Information Theory, Mathematical Physics Institute, TU Munich, Munich, Germany, August 2017.

[29] O. Günlü, Bernhard Geiger, and Gerhard Kramer, "Privacy and Secrecy with Physical Identifiers: Physical Unclonable Functions," in Huawei Technologies France, Paris, France, May 2017.

[30] O. Günlü and Gerhard Kramer, "Secrecy and Privacy from Multiple Biometric and Physical Identifier Measurements at Both Terminals," in Polytechnic School of Engineering Seminar, New York University, New York City, NY, USA, December 2016.

[31] O. Günlü, Anes Belkacem, Bernhard Geiger, "Quantizer and Code Design for Secret-key Binding to Physical Identifiers with Performance Guarantees," in LNT Workshop, Burghausen, Germany, August 2016.

[32] O. Günlü and Gerhard Kramer, "Privacy, Secrecy, and Storage with Multiple Measurements of Noisy Identifiers," in Communications and Information Theory Chair Seminar, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany, June 2016.

[33] O. Günlü, "Secret Key Generation from Physics," in Sao Paulo Coding and Information School, Campinas, Brazil, January 2015.

[34] O. Günlü, "Design and Analysis of DCT Based Ring Oscillator Physical Unclonable Functions," in Intrinsic-ID, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 2014.

[35] O. Günlü, "Security and Reliability Analyses of Physical Unclonable Functions," in Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Final, Nuremberg, Germany, April 2014.


Invited Poster Presentations


[1] O. Günlü, "Multiple Entities and Enrollments for Secret Key Agreement with Correlated Noise," in IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, July 2021.

[2] O. Günlü, Matthieu Bloch, and Rafael F. Schaefer, "Secure Multi-Function Computation with Private Remote Sources," in IEEE Communication Theory Workshop, Canada, June 2021.

[3] O. Günlü, Peter Trifonov, Muah Kim (Presenter), Rafael F. Schaefer, and Vladimir Sidorenko, "Randomized Nested Polar Subcode Constructions for Privacy, Secrecy, and Storage," in IEEE European School of Information Theory, Stuttgart, Germany, November 2020.

[4] O. Günlü, Vladimir Sidorenko, and Gerhard Kramer, "Optimal Key Agreement with PUFs Under Varying Environmental Conditions," in Munich Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, Munich, Germany, April 2018.

[5] O. Günlü, Onurcan Iscan, Vladimir Sidorenko, and Gerhard Kramer, "Wyner-Ziv Polar Code Construction for Key Agreement with PUFs," in 1st TUM-Eurecom Workshop on Communications and Security, Munich, Germany, December 2017.

[6] O. Günlü, Onurcan Iscan, Vladimir Sidorenko, and Gerhard Kramer, "Secret-key Binding with Transform Coding for PUFs," in Munich Workshop on Physical Unclonable Functions, Munich, Germany, November 2017.

[7] O. Günlü and Vladimir Sidorenko, "Lightweight Code-based Quantizer and Transform Design for Security and Privacy," in Munich Workshop on Coding and Applications, Munich, Germany, July 2017.

[8] O. Günlü and Bernhard Geiger, "The Optimal Transform for Key Storage with Biometric and Physical Identifiers," in Joint Workshop on Communications and Coding, Planneralm, Austria, March 2017.

[9] O. Günlü and Gerhard Kramer, "Privacy and Secrecy with Noisy Physical and Biometric Identifiers," in IEEE European School of Information Theory, Gothenburg, Sweden, April 2016.

[10] O. Günlü and Onurcan Iscan, "Transform Coding for PUFs," in IEEE European School of Information Theory, Zandvoort, Netherlands, April 2015.

[11] O. Günlü and Onurcan Iscan, "Transform Coding for Key Generation from PUFs," in 17th Joint Workshop on Communications and Coding, Stilfs, Italy, March 2015.

[12] O. Günlü, "Secret Key Generation from Physics," in Sao Paulo Coding and Information School, Campinas, Brazil, January 2015.

[13] O. Günlü, "Cryptographic-key Generation from Physics - PUFs," in Bell-Labs Alcatel-Lucent Future X Days, Stuttgart, Germany, November 2014.

[14] O. Günlü, "Frequency Domain Analysis of Physical Unclonable Functions," in IEEE European School of Information Theory, Tallinn, Estonia, April 2014.