ONRST is a private nonprofit association with headquarters in Rabat Morocco. It was created to foster R&D in Morocco and abroad in ICT, Energy and Industrial Management, joining institutions from Morocco. It manages a network named Trusted Cluster Scientific Researchers, coupling ONRST with several Universities and institutions. These entities work in partnership on R&D projects, namely contracted by industry under the Moroccan R&D funding programs. Some of the highest qualified Universities in Morocco have joined this association, with the purpose of implanting in Morocco the science and technology management model

The Observatory's vision is part of His Majesty King Mohamed VI's Strategy for the Evolution of National Scientific Research, whose ambition is to anchor Applied Scientific and Technological Research as a driving force for development and set up as a strategic lever for economic transformation and social inclusion.

The National Observatory for Scientific and Technological Research brings together teacher-researchers, doctoral engineers and doctoral students around a Multi-expertise on a national and international scale. The Observatory remains open to researchers from other fields and other structures wishing to participate in the establishment and development of large-scale multidisciplinary research projects.

The Observatory has skills in digitization engineering, data and process engineering, modeling and simulation of complex systems, artificial intelligence, operational research, decision support systems, security of the information and cybersecurity. These skills allow him to consider complex systems in their technical, structural, organizational and human dimensions.


Research and Innovation Lab

National CyberSecurity Hub

Moroccan Blockchain Lab

Sustainable Energy Hub

Scientific Events & publications

Smart Health LAB

CONVENTION ENSMR (Partenaire Académique)

MEMBRE OF Sustainable Development Solutions Network