The problem is that I don't get to fire the function only once. I've tried different solutions ( .on(), setting a counter, setting it outside/inside the window.scrollstop function) but nothing worked.

So I have somewhat recently gotten my first pokemon game in pokemon sword and after my first normal playthrough I thought I didn't know the type weaknesses yet beyond the basics when I figured I should know thrm pretty well. So I decided to do challenges where I use only one type for each run. For this first one I went with fire types. That was a bad idea.(Additionally I was allowed to have the preevolutions until they were able to evolve and I did allow myself to catch mandatory pokemon and that slowpoke back in wedgehurst)

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Luckily, after that my team was pretty solid Coalosal was tanky as hell and cood do alot of damage with rock type moves, plus tar shot helped to speed things up The Chandelure from the fire type gym could deal with normal and fighting types real well. Plus with flame body, willowisp, confuse ray, and hex they were a tank special attacker My Flareon and Ninetaild could easily putspeed as debuffers and a special attacker respectively Centiscorch was easy to set up coils before wiping out the teams And the last slot....did not hold my scorebunny. After Kabu, I kinda got bored of them since they just had attacking moves and I had that for my first run through as well. This slot was definitely pretty varied between heatmore and toarcoal.

Next was Raihan he was not a problem in the slightest. I had sunny day on my Ninetails so he was easy peasy. The next problem came from....Nessa. again. With more water types. U was super lucky I only needed to reset once. That being said the same can't be said for the last problem.

Dracopult:not the hardest but when I first beat both of the other two problem mons I only had two pikemons and got shadowball swept. Not fun but not a problem with some good healing with hearmore able to be 3 shot by it.

I have a post-processing BPM running for when we issue material. It works fine for that. However when we return material from a job back to inventory it is throwing an error. How do I specify it only need to check issues and not returns?



Wow, Jason, you are the Repair MAN! :0). Well, I cantacted the seller, and basically they said it was sold "as is" (I asked if the leds went up and down when they panned it around the room, and if the shutter fired with no delay before I bid). So I'm stuck with this thing either way I look at it.

This is an issue that has only recently started showing up and seems to point towards something physically wrong with the camera/hotshoe somehow. The problem is any flash that I mount on camera only fires on the first shot, and doesn't on any shot after.

Turning the camera off then on again between shots is the only solution to use a flash currently, and it's obviously frustrating and not the most practical solution. Even then, the shot isn't properly exposed. I have the same exact problem with both the Godox TT685F and the Fuji EF-X8 speedlights.

Stv stoves and fireplaces are designed to meet these now-essential criteria. Belgian in design, these appliances offer performance and efficiency in addition to a wide range of installation possibilities. From the family room to the living room and from the condo to the cottage, there is a Stv for every lifestyle and every home. Find out more about them!

Stuv 21 wood-burning fireplaces have no frame at the bottom of the guillotine window so as not to obstruct the view of the fire. The door mechanism, insulation box and convection kit used to heat your space are also hidden.

In fact, Stv wood stoves and fireplaces are certified to meet the environmental standards set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which requires a fine particle rate of less than 2 grams per hour.

Functional design and aesthetics

Stv stoves and fireplaces have a host of practical elements that ensure their smooth operation all while making them a beautiful addition to any home. The Stuv 21-clad fireplaces and inserts are a perfect example of this.

All Stv appliance owners agree that you only have to experience Stv products once to be convinced that they offer an exceptional experience. Let yourself be charmed by the many possibilities Stv offers by consulting our recent catalogue.

I have a flow that triggers when an item is created or modified in Primary list and accordingly updates the secondary list. I want to restrict the trigger condition based on 'two specific field values' - i.e trigger only when 'Product/Vendor' name is changed in Primary list. Since the values are dynamic in nature, I cannot hard code syntax like this - @equals(triggerBody()?['Product']?['Value'], 'XYZ').

There is an action called "Get changes for an item or file (properties only)" You can use that to see if a particular field was changed since the last time the item was modified. The flow will still trigger on all modifications, but this can help you decide whether to proceed or not. As you said since the values are dynamic there is no way to add a trigger filter.

Thanks so much @yashkamdar for the elaborate steps. I wanted a better way to control this so that Flow doesn't kick off on False Positive. In this solution - Flow will still fire each time when an item has changed for the fields I am not interested to watch. But seems like there is no other way to go around it?

AS mentioned there is a way to check to see if a particular field has changed. Or you can create a trigger condition that only fires when a field changes to a specific value. But to set it to only fire when a specific field has changed in any way is still not possible.

Yes, if you use the flow to track the previous value of the column then you can use a trigger condition to make sure it only fires if that column changes. But that requires that you create an extra column to track the previous value.

What I'd like to do is receive a signal from an accelerometer and in turn send a signal to a laser and a camera to fire. I need this to happen extremely fast (within 1-2 microseconds at most) because of how fast the airflow I am measuring is (this is for a shock tube). Because of this, I am trying to use an interrupt. But, I need this interrupt to only happen once and only with the initial accelerometer spike because the laser cannot receive more than 1 signal in a 30 second period or the core will melt (lol). Also, I am using an Arduino Due.

I've attached my code below with the detachInterrupt. My question is how do I get this thing to only fire once? Am I on the right track? Do y'all have any suggestions or can you please point me in the right direction? Thank you!

aarg, thanks! I tried this, adding volatile bool armed = false underneath my //variables that change, and it accepted it, but for some reason, the interrupt is still firing after the first signal is received. I tried to do 'if' statements earlier today, and it seemed like the boolean operators were only changing while it was receiving the input and then going back to the original value after I stopped supplying the signal.

So I tried Serial.print to check the status of "armed" and it only outputs a value of 0, false, while the arduino is receiving a signal. Because it's false, the output value does not change. What I'm not understanding is why it's only outputting when the interrupt is triggered? I thought putting the boolean variable at the very top, outside of void loop() made it a global variable?

Sometimes when you attach an interrupt it will trigger immediately, because the interrupt flag in the processor is set before the attachInterrupt() is executed. This could be triggering a spurious interrupt, outputting a low to the laser and setting armed to false. Try this code, which will only disarm the interrupt when the accelerometer input is HIGH. (Normally you would clear the interrupt flag immediately before the attachInterrupt, but I'm not familiar with the DUE and not sure of the exact command for that particular board);

Only Fire: The first live show I had was in October last year for Halloween in Paris and it was so good! I loved every show I did afterwards too, and some of my favourite ones were when supporting Shygirl on her UK tour. It was amazing hearing the audience singing my lyrics knowing I was only the opening act and everyone came there for her. She killed all these shows too, of course. It was a really fun experience.

I have a numerical control in a tab control. Both of them have their own "mouse-down" events in a while loop. But when I click the numerical control, instead of firing the numerical control event only, both of these two events fired.

Now the Tab event will fire after the numeric event, but discarding will not work so you need to pass a true boolean into a shift register to alert the tab event case that the click was inside the control.

Inside the Tab event put a case structure and do nothing (or whatever you want) when the boolean is true. The only trick is to make sure you pass the shift register value through any event cases which may come between the two (not likely to be many), otherwise the use default works.

Trees in fire-prone areas develop thicker bark, in part, because thick bark does not catch fire or burn easily. It also protects the inside of the trunk, the living tissues that transport water and nutrients, from heat damage during high-frequency, low-intensity fires. Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa, also commonly known as the bull pine, blackjack pine or western yellow pine) is a great example. This signature tree in the western United States has a thick and flaky bark, sometimes compared to pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, which perfectly withstands a low-intensity, surface fire. The species also drops lower branches as the trees grow older, which helps prevent fire from climbing up and burning the green needles higher up the tree. 2351a5e196

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