Because Cypress works from within the browser, Cypress must be able to directlycommunicate with your remote application at all times. Unfortunately, browsersnaturally try to prevent Cypress from doing this.

To get around these restrictions, Cypress implements some strategies involvingJavaScript code, the browser's internal APIs, and network proxying to play bythe rules of same-origin policy. It is our goal to fully automate theapplication under test without you needing to modify your application's code -and we are mostly able to do this.

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Cypress does some pretty interesting things under the hood to make testing HTTPSsites work. Cypress enables you to control and stub at the network level.Therefore, Cypress must assign and manage browser certificates to be able tomodify the traffic in real time.

All these storage areas encrypt the AES key using a key accessible to some or all processes running as the user. This attack vector is often featured in blogs as a possible 'exploit' or 'vulnerability', which is an incorrect understanding of the browser threat model and security posture.

However, physically local attacks and malware are outside the threat model and, under these conditions, encrypted data would be vulnerable. If your computer's infected with malware, an attacker can get decrypted access to the browser's storage areas. The attacker's code, running as your user account, can do anything you can do.

Internet browsers (including Microsoft Edge) aren't equipped with defenses to protect against threats where the entire device is compromised due to malware running as the user on the computer. However, programs like Microsoft Defender SmartScreen and OS-level protections like Windows Defender are designed to ensure that the device isn't compromised to start with.

Data security in transit and at rest in the cloud: All synced data is encrypted in transit over HTTPS when transferred between the browser and Microsoft servers. The synced data is also stored in an encrypted state on Microsoft servers. Sensitive data types such as addresses, and passwords are further encrypted on the device before being synced. If you're using a work or school account, all data types are further encrypted before being synced using Microsoft Purview Information Protection.

Chrome and other browsers use Safe Browsing to show users a warning message before they visit a dangerous site or download a harmful app. Our scanning infrastructure also protects the Chrome Web Store from potentially harmful extensions. Learn more

There is no one perfect set of browser settings that will work for all internet users. For example, if a website only works if Adobe Flash is installed, you must decide whether you avoid the website to stay secure or to visit the website and accept the risks. In April 2017, as part of its work to safeguard information security in the German federal administration, the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) published a standard for the safe use of web browsers.

By implementing and complying with the requirements set out in this document, users can achieve the minimum basic security level recommended by the BSI. For ease of reference, the BSI has published a guidance document and comparison table that summarises the implementation status of the various security requirements for all common browsers used in the German federal administration.

The table allows internet users to see at a glance which browsers offer which security functions. The requirements include security standards for the available TLS protocols and certificates and for managing cookies. In addition, options for deploying sandboxing mechanisms and encapsulation are also listed.

Where possible, use a browser with sandbox technology and a steady stream of security updates. Avoid the use of active content if you do not need it; this is particularly important for technologies such as Java, which are delivered via additional plug-ins and are not directly supported by the browser. If you do have to use active content, deactivate it while you are surfing and only activate it when you are accessing a trusted website. Activate the anti-phishing and anti-malware features integrated into all of the most widely used browsers.

Recommendation: Use the standard settings defined by Firefox. Deactivate the option 'Save passwords'. If you do want to save passwords in your browser, always use a master password (follow the guidelines forcreating a secure password).

This error indicates that the website's certificate has not complied with security policies in Mozilla's CA Certificate Program. Most browsers, not just Firefox, do not trust certificates by GeoTrust, RapidSSL, Symantec, Thawte and VeriSign because these certificate authorities failed to follow security practices in the past.

Let's start with the basics: local storage is a new feature of HTML5 that basically allows you (a web developer) to store any information you want in your user's browser using JavaScript. Simple, right?

Now you might be wondering if there's some way to use local storage so that the data you store is automatically deleted at some point and you don't need to manually delete every single variable you put in there. Luckily, the HTML5 working group (shout out!) has your back. They added something called sessionStorage to HTML5 which works exactly the same as local storage except that all data it stores is automatically deleted when the user closes their browser tab.

If you're building a static site (like a single page app, for instance), using something like local storage means your web pages can run independently of any web server. They don't need any backend language or logic to store data in the browser: they can just do it as they please.

Another neat thing about local storage is that it doesn't have as many size constraints as cookies. Local storage provides at least 5MB of data storage across all major web browsers, which is a heck of a lot more than the 4KB (maximum size) that you can store in a cookie.

This makes local storage particularly useful if you want to cache some application data in the browser for later usage. Since 4KB (the cookie max size) isn't a lot, local storage is one of your only real alternative options.

Local storage wasn't designed to be used as a secure storage mechanism in a browser. It was designed to be a simple string only key/value store that developers could use to build slightly more complex single page apps. That's it.

Make sure that whatever cookie library your web framework uses is setting the httpOnly cookie flag. This flag makes it impossible for a browser to read any cookies, which is required in order to safely use server-side sessions with cookies. Read Jeff Atwood's article for more information. He's the man.

If you need to store data in the browser that isn't sensitive and isn't purely string data, the best option for you is IndexedDB. It's an API that lets you work with a database-esque object store in the browser.

Also, httpOnly cookies do not make your site any less vulnerable to XSS attacks; if the attacker manages to inject a malicious script into your front end, then they can use that script to make HTTP requests to your server (directly from the victim's browser) and your precious httpOnly cookie (containing the user's valid session ID) will be attached to every request so the server will service them without suspecting anything.

The only real difference is that if the token (e.g. JWT) is in localStorage then the attacker can steal the token to use later (same goes for regular non-httpOnly cookies BTW)... Which is hardly a convenience because it's more advantageous for the attacker to carry-out the attack in-place from the victim's browser rather than from the attacker's own machine (thus allowing their IP to be traced directly).

If you fetch from the browser, you don't get cookies. You have to add {credentials: "include"}. And that requires a whitelisting on the server. So no, it's no so easy to get httpOnly cookie content in browser as you describe. It requires a TRACE method or other known vulnerability or bug to expose them. Pls. prove me wrong if you think otherwise.

There's only one class of SPAs which CAN'T use cookie auth -- namely, SPAs using a statically served application shell. This is an architectural decision with a lot of tradeoffs to it. On the plus side S3 is cheap, there's a certain theoretical purity to having your web frontend go #serverless, and you only need to maintain one form of API authentication. On the minus side, you have to greenspin literally everything that the browser gives you for free.... like the nice security properties of cookie auth.

Here's the thing, we need to store something on client side so they don't have to type the user/password each time we're making a request to the server and yeah EVERYTHING on client side is meant to be insecure. But, does it mean that, for example, browsers shouldn't let users save user/password because third party extensions, etc. can access to them? Hell no.

I just want to jump in real quick as one of those people who like to use articles like this to make blanket decisions. A few points as why security people say not to store session data in JWT and LocalStorage. Out of the box yes LocalStorage is more secure than a cookie for session data, however with the optional flag SameSite cookies are now equal to LocalStorage with built-in anti CSRF protections from the browser. Adding the HTTPOnly flag bring cookies to a higher level than LocalStorage. This is because now client-side JavaScript cannot access the cookies. The last part is where the recommendation to use cookies over LocalStorage is made in relation to potential exposure from XSS. Outside of XSS or vulnerabilities in the browser itself both are limited to exposure from physical access on the client-side in a general risk perspective.

Concur. There's no threat modeling that I could think of that would hold up httpOnly as being a significant factor if the threat vector up to that point has already leveraged XSS - so your local JS context is already 0wned - at this point, the exploit code just needs to directly execute from the compromised browser instead of sending the auth token to a remote server to be exploited from there. Considering the local context is already compromised, that hardly seems more than an inconvenience to the attacker, as jondubois indicated. 2351a5e196

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