Online Therapist for help with Panic Attacks 

Online Mindfulness Psychotherapist for Overcoming Anxiety and Panic Disorder without depending on drugs

How to Stop Anxiety Attacks without medication

Everyone that I have worked with really likes the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"I came to Peter desperate, my last hope. I had tried other therapies that failed me: Peter’s approach is just what I needed. Instead of fighting the anxiety and trying to push it away or cover it up, you become conscious of it and give it the space that it needs. Eventually it dissipates. It sounds counter-intuitive, but it is the key… and it works! I am real proof. I am now happier and more content than I have ever been in my life."

You can read more testimonials on my Testimonials Page.


So panic attacks can be overcome quite easily as long as you take this approach of embracing that anxiety in the same way as embracing a child in pain. You must not avoid it. You have to start to learn to overcome the habitual reactivity to it. And then start to develop a compassionate relationship with it and look at its imagery and help that imagery change. 

If you do that you will see dramatic changes and healing will ensue. Most people see quite dramatic changes when they take this mindfulness approach to healing anxiety and panic attacks. Typically, most people that I work with see significant improvements within the first three or four sessions. 

All my sessions are done via Skype. I find that that is more than adequate. You do not need to meet with a therapist in person to learn these methods of how to work with your anxiety effectively. 

So we have to work at the level of those emotions, for example, anxiety and panic attacks. We have to learn to stop talking about our anxiety or panic and start to actually develop a different relationship with those emotions themselves. This is a crucial part of the healing process. Just talking about what makes you afraid, what triggers panic attacks and trying to avoid those situations is not going to help you heal. You need to turn towards your anxiety and develop a conscious non-reactive relationship with it. 

So that is part of the principle of Mindfulness Therapy, which is what I teach online. I will teach you how to develop that all-important relationship with your anxiety that will promote healing. 

You have to learn how to become the observer that can observe the anxiety as an object and to maintain that relationship where you stay as the observer. Observing that object, the anxiety or other emotion. That is critical. That's the first part of our training. It's called developing the True Self. The True Self is defined as that observer, that quality of mind that can see experiences clearly as they are as objects. 

Another term that we often use is developing "objective consciousness", which is also that ability to see an object clearly as an object, rather than "subjective consciousness" where we simply react to that object with fear or anger or simply becoming overwhelmed by it. 

The critical thing here is to establish this relationship, True Self as the observer seen the anxiety, or Little Self, as we often refer to it, as the object. When you have a stable relationship like that, True Self seeing Little Self, then you create the right conditions for healing that anxiety. 

And this is crucial for working with panic attacks. You have to change that relationship, because what actually happens during a panic attack is that you lose that identity as your True Self, you lose that objective consciousness and you contract into the anxiety, and we feel it as a physical contraction as well as a psychological contraction. 

That is the primary process that goes on during a panic attack. We lose our identity, we literally become smaller, and we become that Little Self. And then when we do that, when we contract into the anxiety, then that basically, takes away our freedom and it starts to ignite further reactivity, which feeds that anxiety. 

So in mindfulness training we are learning to break that habit of reactive identification. That's the whole point of mindfulness teaching and Mindfulness Therapy is to maintain your True Self identity and not lose it to the anxiety or the depression or the impulse to addiction or whatever it might be. 

So if you would like to get started with me. If you would like to schedule some Skype therapy sessions to work with your panic attacks more effectively, then please go to my website, contact me and schedule a Skype therapy session. Thank you. 


How to Stop Panic Attacks

As a professional psychotherapist I'm often asked how to stop anxiety attacks, how to stop yourself from becoming overwhelmed by anxiety and anxiety producing thoughts. In my experience the most important approach that will help you stop anxiety attacks is to learn how to embrace your thoughts with mindfulness. That means, essentially, developing a conscious and friendly relationship with your anxiety producing thoughts. 

So you must not fight them or avoid them. That will simply make them stronger. But once you start developing a friendly relationship to your thoughts, that will take that power away and it will also stop feeding those anxiety thoughts. 

If you hold these thoughts in consciousness without reacting to it, long enough, that thought will always burn itself out. So we need to build mindfulness towards his thoughts. You are essentially teaching those thoughts to being themselves calm. 

So that's part of causing mindfulness therapy approach that I teach and there are many other aspects to mindfulness therapy that can be used to stop anxiety attacks and panic attacks, but that's the principle, the central most important thing. 

Another very common technique that I teach that really helps in this process of breaking free from the power of anxiety thoughts is to use visualization or imagery. We call this mindfulness based imagery reprocessing. So this is where you take the image of the thought and you make it extremely small, perhaps as small as a grain of sand. And then you take that grain of sand and you place it on the ground. If you make it small and you put it at a low level such as on the ground you will take away a great deal of its intensity because the key factor that causes thoughts to have emotional intensity is there size and their position, the imagery of the thought, itself. 

So when we look at our thoughts with mindfulness, that brings in an element of choice where we can begin exploring ways of changing the size and the position of our thoughts. And the smaller they become the less intense they become, and if you put them at a lower level that will take away their intensity, as well. So that's a simple technique using mindfulness based imagery reprocess that you can try for yourself. 

If you find success with this method, please leave comments below. Do please contact me if you'd like to schedule Skype therapy sessions with me to learn more about how to stop anxiety attacks. Thank you.


Online therapy for panic attacks

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Panic Attacks

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Online therapy for Panic Attacks

online therapy for panic attacks

Online therapy for panic attacks